The Center for Peace
Hiroshima University

About Us

The Institute for Peace Science Hiroshima University (IPSHU) was established on July 8, 1975 as the first academic research institute for peace studies in Japan, with the purpose of conducting research and surveys and collecting materials related to peace science as a university-wide facility of Hiroshima University.

On April 1, 2018, the Institute for Peace Science Hiroshima University evolved into “The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University”. Since then, its functions have been enhanced, allowing it to play an even greater role inside and outside the university and develop new research and educational approaches to peace.

広島大学 平和センター
Phoenix canariensis

Topics Information

The website has been redesigned.
The Public Lecture “Hibakusha: Transcending Borders to Pass on the Atomic Bomb Memories” was held.  
With great joy, we congratulate Hidankyō on being awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. We would also like to express our sincerest respect and celebrate the award with all hibakusha worldwide.
The international symposium “A Divided International Community: Seeking Solutions” wasl held.