International community platform for
overcoming divisions: Hub framework

International community platform for overcoming divisions: Hub framework

My name is Dr. Noriyuki Kawano and I will be in charge of the construction for this online hub. The Center for Peace Hiroshima University and the National Project for Managerial Reform at National Universities promotion program(the national university management reform promotion project), intend to serve the international community through this platform to help overcome intense and complex political divisions. The War between Russian and Ukraine, the ongoing war in Gaza, and other equally violent and chaotic situations, illustrate a profound shift in peace retrogradation. However, in the midst of all of this, a silver lining exists for peace to evolve: the greater international community is willing to search new avenues for peace and explore the root causes of major political divisions. Therefore, I humbly propose the growth of this online hub to facilitate solutions, research opportunities, international conferences, and public lectures, for new approaches to implement peace in places where it’s needed the most. I look forward to your contribution.

Website published.