

In order to promote building bases of knowledge more international and universal, and to create a good environment for establish the presence of Hiroshima University in Peace Science in the world, the Institute for Peace Science has placed emphasis upon the following three activities from 2014:
  • To promote establishing center for excellence for more universal peace studies, on the basis of the fact the next year would mark the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima
  • To enhance the global presence of Hiroshima University in the field of Peace Studies
  • To promote the research exchange in the international venues for the aforementioned objectives


 48. International symposium 2019      ☞Flyer ☞Proceedings
 "HIROSHIMA and Peace Tourism"
 Date & Time: July 20th, 2019, 13:00-17:15
 Venue: International Conference Center Hiroshima, HIMAWARI hall
 Speech1 Yoshihiro YAMADA (Former Dean/Professor,The Research Faculty of Media and                     Communication, Hokkaido University)
 Speech2 <Keynote Speech>
 Mike ROBINSON (Director/professor,The Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage,            University of Birmingham)
 Speech3 <Special Lecture>
 Keun-Sik JUNG (Professor, Seoul National University)
 Speech4 Luli van der DOES (Associate professor, The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University)
 Speech5 Kenji SHIGA (Former Director, Hirosima Peace Memorial Museum)
 <Panel discussion >
 Mari KATAYANAGI (Vice Director, The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University)

 47. International symposium 2018      ☞Flyer ☞Proceedings
 ""Peace" from the viewpoint of "Hiroshima and the world": the past, the present, and the future"
 Date & Time: August 2nd, 2018, 13:30-17:00
 Venue: Higashi-Senda Innovative Research Center 4F, Hiroshima University
 Speech1 Seiichiro TAKEMINE (Associate Professor, Meisei University)
 Speech2 Yasuhito FUKUI (Associate professor, Hiroshima sity University)
 Speech3 Camilo Alberto Borrero Garcia (Professor, National University of Colombia)
 Speech4 Mari KATAYANAGI (Vice Director, The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University)
 <Panel discussion >
 Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU (Associate professor, The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University)

46.2nd International symposium 2017      ☞Flyer ☞Proceedings
"Reconstruction and Peacebuilding"
Date & Time: Nobember 18th, 2017, 13:00-17:20
Venue: Higashi-Senda Innovative Research Center 4F, Hiroshima University (Higashi-Senda Campus)
<Keynote speech>
Hitoshi ABE (Professor, Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, UCLA)
"Reconstruction and Community"
Tsuneo NISHIDA (Honorary Director, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University)
Hong-Kyu PARK (Director, Peace and Democracy Institute, Korez University)
Kate FEARON (Special Advisor to Civilian Operations Commander at the EEAS)
<Panel discussion >
Mari KATAYANAGI (Vice Direstor, Institute for Peace Sciences, Hiroshima University)

45.1st International symposium 2017      ☞Flyer ☞Proceedings
"The Atomic Bombs and War Memories: Heritage of Peace in an Uncertain Age"
Date & Time: August 2nd, 2017, 13:00-17:25
Venue: Higashi-Senda Innovative Research Center 4F, Hiroshima University (Higashi-Senda Campus)
Speech1 Noriyuki KAWANO (Director, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University)
Speech2 Kenji SHIGA (Director, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Musium)
Speech3<Keynote speech>
Glenn D. HOOK (Emeritus Professor, University of Sheffield)
Speech4<Special Speech>
Andrew HOSKINS (Professor, University of Glasgow)
Speech5 Luli van der DOES (Visiting Researcher, Institute for Peace Science, HU)
<Panel discussion with the Audience's Participation >
Mari KATAYANAGI (Vice Direstor, Institute for Peace Sciences, Hiroshima University)

44.2nd International symposium 2016      ☞Flyer ☞Proceedings
"Migration and Refugee: How the International Society Tackles the Human Rights Crisis"
Date & Time: December 9th, 2016, 12:50-16:05
Venue: Reception Hall, Faculty Club 2F, Hiroshima University (Higashi-Hiroshima Campus)
<Keynote speech>
David L. Phillips (Director, Peace-building and Rights Program, Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR), Colombia University)
<Session >
David L. Phillips (Director, Peace-building and Rights Program, Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR), Colombia University)
Takashi INOGUCHI(President of University of Niigata Prefecture)
Kazuo ZAIKI (Professor, Graduate school of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University)

43.1st International symposium 2016      ☞Flyer ☞Proceedings
"Challenges for Peacebuilding in Asia"
Date & Time: July 30th, 2016, 10:00‐16:45
Venue: Higashi-Senda Innovative Research Center M401, Hiroshima University (Higashi-Senda Campus)
<Session 1: Experiences in Peacebuilding in Asia
Moderator:Tatsuo Yamane(Associate Professor, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University)
Mihoko Kumamoto (Head of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office)
Daisaku Higashi (Associate Professor, Center for Global Studies, University of Sophia)
Mari Katayanagi (Professor, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation,
Hiroshima University)
<Keynote speech>
Satoru Udagawa (Writer)
<Session 2: Challenges and Prospects for Peacebuilding in Asia>
Lt. Gen. Daniel Leaf(Director, Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies)
Anthony Bubalo (Lowy Institute for International Policy Deputy Director and Research Director)
Mari Yamashita (Director, Peacebuilding Support Office, United Nation)

42.2nd International symposium 2015      ☞Flyer ☞Proseedings
"New Frontier for the Global Governance and Multinationalism"
Date & Time: October 16th 2015, 10:30‐17:00
Venue: Reception Hall, Reception Hall, Faculty Club 2F,Hiroshima University (Higashi-Hiroshima Campus)
<Session 1: How to Cope with New Challenges and Evolution of Global Governance?>
Takashi Inoguchi
Kazutoshi Aikawa
Hajime Nishitani
<Keynote speech>
Vuk JEREMIĆ(President of CIRSD and Former President of the 67th Session of the UN Assembly)
<Session 2: How to Achieve Sustainable Future with Human Dignity?>
Isao Kiso
Masami Tamura
Asami Ogura

41. 1st International symposium 2015
          ☞Flyer ☞Proseedings
"Efforts for global peace and potential of the civil society―the review of international pursuits towards the ultimate abolition of nuclear weapons in the last 70 years and the path to thefuture"
Date: July 28th 2015
<Session 1: Past endeavors for the abolition of nuclear weapon>
Akio Kawato
Takeshi Hikihara
Shinsuke Tomotsugu
<Keynote speech>
Surakiart Sathirathai
<Session 2: The potential of the civil society and the prospect for the global peace>
Motoatsu Sakurai
Mariko Bando
Brian Finlay
Katsuyuki Yakushiji

40. How to hand over the future for next generation-from point of view of ESD

Date:Feburaly 4th, 2015   ☞Details Picture

Isao Kiso
Shuichi Yamanaka

39. The 39th Hiroshima University Peace Science Symposium  ☞Flyer ☞Proseedings
"Strengthening International Organizations in a World of Turmoil - The Role of Hiroshima –”
Date:November 21 2014
<Session 1:Achievements of International Organizations after WWⅡ>
G. John Ikenberry(Princeton University)
Mari Amano(Former Delegation of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament)
Takashi Inoguchi(President of the University of Niigata Prefecture)
<Sssion 2:Strengthening International Organizations in a World of Turmoil>
David Held(Durham University)
Akiko Yuge(Hosei University)
Tsuneo Nishida(IPSHU)
<Keynote speech>
Yasushi Akashi(UN Under-Secretary-General):Present Challenges of Japan and the World
<Session 3:Hiroshima’s Contribution>
Brian Finlay(Stimson Center)
PKazumi Mizumoto(Hiroshima Peace Institute at Hiroshima City University)
Takehiko Yamamoto(Waseda University)
Noriyuki Kawano(IPSHU)

38. (2013)




34. Current Challenges for Peacebuilding in Sierra Leone and Liberia(2009)
Memunatu Pratt (Director, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone)
Anthony LombehHena (Associate Professor, The Kofi Annan Institute for Peace and Conflict Transformation, University of Liberia)

33. Nuclear Damages Reexamined(2008) 
Noriyuki Kawano (Assistant Professor,International Radiation Information Center, Hiroshima University): “Nuclear Damages in Semipalatinsk: Observations from Questionnaire Surveys and Interviews”
Tetsuji Imanaka (Assistant Professor,Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute): “Lessons of the Research on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident”
Masayoshi Yamamoto (Professor, Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University): “ Reflections Fifty Years after the Bikini Exposure of the Fifth Happy Dragon”
Masaharu Hamatani (Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University): “Experiences of the Nuclear Bomb and the Mental Wound”

32. Indigenous Governance and Peace(2007)
Manuhuia Barcham (Director, the Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development, Massey University, New Zealand ):“Indigenity, State-Building and the International Struggle for Peace”
Morgan Brigg (Research Fellow, School of Political Science and International Studies, the University of Queensland, Australia) :“Networked Relationality: Indigenous Insights for Integrated Peacebuilding”

31.  Capacity Development for Peace Building in Post-conflict Societies(2006)
(Session 1 of the HIPEC International Conference)
Chair: Masatsugu Matsuo, Professor, Hiroshima University
Loreta Castro, Executive Director, Miriam College, :“Peace Education as an Important Peacebuilding Strategy"
FatumaNdangiza, Executive Secretary, National Unity and Reconciliation Commision : “A Rwanda's Experience"
Christine Atieno, Program Officer, South Sudan Peace Commission,:“Peace and Reconciliation Perspective"
Tatsuo Yamane, Reseacher, HiPeC :“Transformation of governance and local peacebuilding: How Peace Operations Reintegrate Ex-combatants into Indigenous Societies"


29. Conflict Prevention and Resolution from the Viewpoint of Resource Management(2004)
INOUE, Makoto (Tokyo University): Is Effective “Co-management” of Natural Resources? The Case of Kalimantan, Indonesia
KAMATA, Mayumi (Nagoya Shoka University): Land Management: Development of Mines, Environmental Preservation, and the Rights of Aborigines
MURATA, Shunichi (Kansai Gakuin University): The Agony of the UN system: A Conflict for Resource Management: MNLF in Mindanao, the Philippines and the History of Cooperative Development Projects

28. Post Conflict Reconstruction: Lessons of East Timor and Afghanistan(2003)
AZIMI, Nassrine (Hiroshima Office for Asia and the Pacific, United Nations Institute for Training and Research [UNITAR]): “The Role of the UN in Post Conflict Reconstruction: Reflections on Lessons learned from East Timor and Afghanistan”
INOUE, Reiko (Pacific Asia Resource Center)
UESUGI, Yuji (Okinawa Peace Cooperation Center)
NAKAO, Shuichi (Refugee Assistance Headquarters, Foundation for the Welfare and Education of the Asian People)

27. Conflict and Human Security(2002)
HOSHINO Shunya (Professor at Osaka University):“Humanitarian Crises and Human Security”
OSA Yukie (Secretary General of the Association to Aid Refugees):“Refugees and Human Security”
TOSA Hiroyuki (Professor at Tohoku Univerisity): “De/Re-territorialization of the Responsibility to the Other”

26. Conflict and Human Security(2001)
NAKANISHI, Hisashi (Professor at Kyoto University): “Past and Present Concepts of Security”
KURUSU, Kaoruko (Assistance Professor at Kobe University): Human Security and Regional Organizations in Europe
YAMANE, Kazuyo (Lecturer at Kochi University): Human Security and Peace Studies

25. Nuclear Issues in Japan from Local Perspectives(2000)
GABE, Masaaki (Professor at Ryukyu University): On Okinawa
KAWAMURA, Kazuyuki (Coordinator of the Non-Nuclear Local Governments Nationwide Grassroots Network): On Non-Nuclear Local Governments
YAMANE, Kazuyo (Lecturer at Kochi University) : On Peace Museums
OHMUTA, Munoru (Former Chairman of the board of trustees of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Center) : On Hiroshima

24. Japanese Nuclear Policy in the 21st Century in Changing International Society (17 December 1999)
MATSUNAGA, Nobuo(Counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Co-chairman of the Tokyo Forum)
KIMURA, Shuzo(Himeji Dokkyo University)
KUROSAWA, Mitsuru(Osaka University)
UMEBAYASHI, Hiromichi(Peace Depository)

23. Asian Crisis and Japan (5 December, 1998)
YOSHIDA, Yasuhiko: Nuclear Crisis
USUI, Hisakazu: Environmental Crisis
KOMATSU, Masaaki: Economic Crisis
WATANABE, Akio: Political Crisis

22. Cooperation and Security in Northeast Asia (30 November 1997)
DRIFTE, Reinhard: The Applicability of the European Experience in Security Cooperation for the Case of Northeast Asian Security
TAGA, Hidetoshi: The Beginnings of New Social Units from Northeast Asia
SOEYA, Yoshihide: The Position of China in Northeast Asia
IZUMI, Hajime: The Four Major Powers in East Asia and Their Meaning for the Security of the Korean Peninsula

21. Prospects for Nuclear Disarmament (13 December 1996)
HATTORI, Akira: The Economic Consequences of the Development of Nuclear Weapons
FUJIWARA, Osamu: Nuclear Disarmament and the Peace Movement
YOSHIOKA, Hitoshi: Nuclear Disarmament and Conversion to Civilian Usage
SUGIE, Eiichi: The Prospects for a 'Nuclear Free World'

20. Peace Science in the 21st Century and the Contribution of Hiroshima--Institute for Peace Science 20th Anniversary Symposium (9 October 1995)
Keynote Address: SUZUKI, Yuji
Panelists: SEKI, Hiroharu; ONISHI, Hitsohi; IKEGAMI, Masako

19 Domestic Conflicts and Resolution in Asia (21-22 January 1995)
TOSA, Hiroyuki: The Function and Limits of Intervention: Focus on the Case Study of Cambodia
KANEKO, Yoshiki: Malaysia's Ethnic Confrontation and Conflict Avoidance System--The Political Meaning and Influence of the 1969 'Race Riots'
HORIMOTO, Takenori: Regional Conflict in South Asia
KUROYANAGI, Yoneji: The East Timor Issue and ASEAN

18. Development of the South China Sea Economic Zone, China and Asia (27-28 November 1993)
MARUYA, Toyojiro: The Mechanism of Economic Development in Guangdong: The Development Model of China's Coastal Regions
SAWADA, Yukari: The Urbanisation of Shenzen--The Meaning of the '1997 Problem' in South ChinaYAMASHITA, Shoichi: The Spread of Processing on Commission Practices and the Problem of Technology Transfer
DU, Xin: Centre-Region Relations Regarding Reforms--Focus on Financial Policy in the Guangdong Region
TAKAHARA, Akio: The South of China, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia

17. Post-Cold War Southeast Asia (19-20 December 1992)
KAN, Hideki: The US's Asian Strategy and Southeast Asia
YAMAKAGE, Susumu: ASEAN and Asia-Pacific International Relations
SUEHIRO, Akira: Regional Economic Cooperation and Southeast Asia--APEC, EAEC and AFTA
YABUNO, Yuzo: Comments and Discussion

16. Domestic Periphery and Nation (18-19 January 1992)
KITAHARA, Atsushi: The Italian State and Regional World
KIBATA, Yoichi: Britain and the Celtic Periphery
NAGAYO, Susumu: The Current Stage in Czech-Slovak Relations--At the Start of 1992
MIYAJIMA, Takashi: Integration, Differentiation, and Separation in Western Europe  

15. The USSR, Eastern Europe, and World Transition(8-9 December 1990)
IEDA, Osamu: Hungary's Path
SHIBA, Nobuhiro: The Yugoslav Federal System
ITO, Takayuki: The Mutual Connection Between Soviet and East European Reforms
SHIMOTOMAI, Nobuo: Is Perestroika Finished?

14. Perspectives on Postwar Japanese Politics (2-3 December 1989)
ASAI, Motofumi: US-Japan Relations in Retrospective and Prospective
MIYAZATO, Seigen: Postwar Japanese Politics Viewed from Okinawa
SHINOHARA, Hajime: A Perspective on Postwar Japanese Politics

13. World Economic Order and the NIES (10-11 December 1988)
RUE, Jin Qing: The World System and the NIES
TU, Zhao Yan: The Transformation of the East Asian Economic Order and the NIES
HAMASHITA, Takeshi: The History of Hong Kong-Singapore Relations and East Asia 

12. Politics and Elections in Postwar Japan(21-22 December 1987)
YODA, Hiroshi: The Actual Situation of Agricultural Style Elections--A Case Study of Tottori Prefecture
TOMITA, Nobuo: Trends in General Elections and the Transformation of Domestic Politics
SHINDO, Muneyuki: Administrative Reform and Liberal Democratic Party Politics
YAMAGAWA, Katsumi: Comments and Discussion 

11. The Politics and Diplomacy of Postwar Japan (6-7 December 1986)
IOKIBE, Makoto: Occupation Policy and the Formation of the Postwar System
OTAKE, Hideo: The Establishment of the 1955 System
SHINDO, Eiichi: The Myth and Reality of Conservative Diplomacy--The Example of Ashida and Yoshida's Diplomacy
YAMAGUCHI, Yasushi: Comments and Discussion
ISHII, Osamu: Comments and Discussion
YAMADA, Hiroshi: Comments and Discussion

10. The Society and Economy of Developing Nations: How to Interpret Social Change(17-18 January 1986)
SHIMIZU, Akitoshi: The Society of Micronesia
NISHIZAWA, Nobuyoshi: Land Ownership Relations in Burma
TAKEUCHI, Jozen; SATO, Yukio, and TAKEBANA, Seiji: Southeast Asian Society and Relations with Japan
MATSUSHITA, Hiroshi: Political Change in the Americas--Focus on the Case of Argentina

9. The Islamic World and International Order (15-16 December 1984)
SUZUKI, Tadashi: Turkey's View of the International Order
IMANAGA, Seiji: Islam in Indonesia
KATAKURA, Motoko: Islamic Society and Lifestyle
ITAGAKI, Yuzo: The Islamic View of the International Order
NAKAOKA, Mitsuyoshi: Comments and Discussion
KAGAYA, Hiroshi: Comments and Discussion

8. Peace and Development in Southeast Asia (3-4 December 1983)
MURAI, Yoshinori: Economic Development and Peace
TANIGAWA, Yoshihiko: Authoritarian Politics in the Philippines and US Bases
NISHIZAWA, Nobuyoshi: Comments and Discussion
SATO, Yukio: Comments and Discussion
NAKAGAWA, Go: Comments and Discussion  
7. Political Authority During Internal and External Crises (16-17 March 1983)
YAMAGUCHI, Yasushi: The Problem of Rearmament in Nazi Germany
KIMURA, Shuzo: The Begin Administration and the Palestinian Problem
SUZUKI, Yuji, Political Crisis and Militarization in Indonesia
ISHIKAWA, Kazuo: Comments and Discussion 
6. Peace and Development: Education and Technology Transfer (30-31 January 1982)
KUSUBA, Muneharu: The Activities of the Japan Foundation
OKIBARA, Yutaka: Issue of Overseas Students
SAITO, Masaru: Technology Transfer and Human Development Cooperation
TOYODA, Toshio: Education in Development
HAYASHI, Takeshi: The Situation of Developing Countries and Japan's Experience
YORIZANE, Masahiro: Technology Transfer

5. Peace and Development: Development and Education (25-26 November 1980)
NAGAI, Jiro: Problems of the Education of International Understanding in Japan
MURO, Osamu: Development and Educatio
KATO, Junpei: Cooperation and Problems Concerned with Human Development in Developing Nations
ABE, Hiroshi: Prewar Japanese Cultural Enterprises in China--The Experience of Failure
KOBAYASHI, Fumio: The Issue of Modernization and Education--The Case of China
YAMASHITA, Shoichi: Education in Social Economic Development
MORI, Toshikazu: The Educational Record of India's Politicians--The Relation to Career Records

4. Peace and Development (Jointly sponsored by UN University) (10-12 October 1980)Session 1 Is Peace Possible? What is Healthy Development?--Problems and Case Studies: JAKOBSON, Max; KATO, Junpei; TOMIOKA, Masuo; YAMASHITA, Shoichi; KUBA, Masahiko; ARASAKI, Moriteru
Session 2 UN University Research Project--Human and Social Development: WIGNARAJA, Ponna; GALTUNG, Johan; MATSUSHITA, Keiichi; SATO, Eiichi; TAKAYANAGI, Sakio; AMEMIYA, Shoichi, MASUDA, Yuji

3. 1978 An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Problem of World Order (International Symposium) (17-19 July 1978)
Keynote Speeches: SEKI, Hiroharu and RAPOPORT, Anatol
Session 1 Structural Aspects of World Order: HOOK, Glenn; SEKI, Hiroharu; SINGER, David John; ALKER, Hayward Jr.
Session 2: Approaches and Methods for the Creation of a Peaceful World Order: MORI, Yuji; WELFIELD, John; FEINGOLD, Stanley; ONOE, Hisao; ITAGAKI, Yuzo
Session 3 Peace Research and Japan's Choices: KURINO, Otori; NAGAI, Hideaki

2. The Structure of World Order: Past, Present, and Future (7-8 January 1977)
MATSUO, Masatsugu: The Structure of the Military Situation Viewed in Peace Research Texts
MORI, Toshikazu: International Politics and Non-Alignment: Function and Role
KAMO, Takehiko: The Dynamic Shape of Transnational Organisations--Japan and the US Compared
PAIGE, Glenn: Non-Violent Political Leadership and Non-Violent Political Science
FUKUDA, Kanichi: The State as an Actor
MORI, Yuji: Seeking New Criterion for Social Development
NAKAMURA, Kenichi: The Problem of Poverty Disparities: Japan and Southeast Asia
SEKI, Hiroharu: Malformation and Militarization 

1. The Construction of World Order (8-9 January 1977)
YAMAMOTO, Yoshinobu: Considerations Regarding the Information Structure in Peace ResearchMATSUO, Masatsugu, MORI, Yuji, ABE Koichiro: The Information Structure of Peace Research Texts--From Recent Military Problems Research
NAGAI, Hideaki: From Empirical Research on Nuclear Consciousness
SAKASHITA, Noboru: World Environmental Problems
ONO, Osamu: Peaceful World Images
HATSUSE, Ryuhei: Asian Views and Asianism
IOKIBE, Makoto: The Search for an East Asian Postwar International Order--Divided US Postwar Planning
YABUNO, Yuzo: The Struturalisation of the International System
ONISHI, Akira: The New International Economic Order and Japan 


 242 2024/05/22 (joint siminar with 31st IPC Seminar)
Renata Salecl: Trauma and Ignorance: How people dal with memories of violence and war   ☞Flyer
 241 2024/05/17 KUROKI, Hidemitsu: Israel’sGenocide against Palestinians   ☞Flyer
 240 2024/03/14 Andrew Hoskins: The Crisis of Living Memory ☞Flyer
 239 2023/10/19 NANASAWA, Kiyoshi: Considering Fukushima Nuclear Accident and "Defeat of Media", "Treated Water", "Radiation Exposure", and "Yoshida Report" as keywords   ☞Flyer
 238 2023/06/29 KUROKI, Hidemitsu: Ethnic and Sectarian Conflicts Reconsidered
:Viewpoints on the Wars in Syria and Ukraine   ☞Flyer
 237 2023/05/15 Eveline Buchheim:Gender and the representation of victimhood in the Liji Ally Museum in Nanjing     ☞Flyer
 236 2022/06/30 KUROKI, Hidemitsu: The Syrian civil war and the Ukraine war        ☞Flyer
 235 2022/01/14 KUROSAKI, Akira: Reconsidering the influence of Japan's domestic politics on its reliance on U.S. extended nuclear deterrence during and after the Cold War  ☞Flyer
 234 2021/10/21 KUROKI, Hidemitsu: Lebanese and Syrian Migrants: People who connect the World  ☞Flyer
 233 2021/07/30 YAMADA, Yoshihiro: Peace and Freedom in the Era of Mobilities     ☞Flyer
 232 2021/07/06 SHIROSHITA, Hideyuki: What should we learn from the recent disasters in Japan to improve disaster education?  ☞Flyer
 231 2021/06/29 INOUE, Ken: Importance of the formulation about cooperative society from viewpoints of medicine, sociology, and education fields: Based on the current situation of COVID-19  ☞Flyer
 230 2021/03/18 IIDA, Kaori: The Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission and the Japanese scientific community: Their "peaceful uses of atomic enegy" campaigns in the bombed city Hiroshima  ☞Flyer
 229 2021/03/11 TAKEDA, Yu: Preventing Nuclear Proliferation: Lessons from International Plutonium Storage, 1978-1982   ☞Flyer
 228 2020/10/29 KUROKI, Hidemitsu: Pandemic and Society: The Predicament and Future of Lebanon  ☞Flyer
 227 2020/07/21 REGIS, Savioz: Challenges to principled humanitarian action and International Humanitarian Law in contemporary armed conflicts  ☞Flyer
 226 2020/07/03 HIGUCHI, Toshihiro: Political Fallout: Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Making of a Global Environmental Crisis  ☞Flyer
 225 2019/12/20 MIMAKI, Seiko: A Watershed? The Historical Evolution of American Internationalism and the Prospect ☞Flyer
 224 2019/12/09 "Airspace Tribunal & Topologies of Air"  ☞Flyer 
Nick Grief (Via Skype)
Andrew Hoskins
Shona Illingworth
Retana Salecl
 223 2019/10/31  KUROKI, Hidemitsu: Comparison and connectings among Lebanese, Yugoslavian, and Syrian civil wars ☞Flyer
 222 2019/03/15  NISHIYAMA, Takayuki:  ☞Flyer
 221 2019/03/01  (joint seminar with 409th IDEC Seminar)
TERUI, Ryo: Visual Storyboarding Tools for Public Engagement and Spatial Justice
 220 2019/02/04  NISHIDA, Tsuneo:  ☞Flyer
 219 2018/11/22 KUROKI, Hidemitsu: Syrian Civil War and "War on Terror"
 218 2018/10/23  (joint seminar with 401st IDEC Seminar) ☞Flyer
TSUCHIYA, Yuka: Japanese Deepsea Tuna Fishing After the Lucky Dragon: Attitudes of the Japanese Goverment, Ship-owners, and Fishermen Toward the Test-Ban Movement 
 217 2018/10/05 "The U. K. Nuclear Legacy" ☞Flyer
William James Nuttall: Britain and the Bomb
TOMOTSUGU, Shinsuke: British Atoms for Peace Overseas 
 216 2018/06/15 (joint seminar with 831st Environmental Science seminar)
NISHIDA, Takaaki  ☞Flyer
 215 2018/02/27 (joint siminar with 389th IDEC Seminar)
IWAMA, Yoko: Nuclear Weaopns and International Relations In Europe ☞Flyer
 214 2018/01/26  (joint seminar with 388th IDEC Seminar)
NOZOE, Fumiaki: The US-Japan Alliance and the Okinawa base issues A historical perspective ☞Flyer
 213 2017/10/31 KUROKI, Hidemitsu: Considering the Syrian Civil War, War on Terror, and Islam ☞Flyer
 212 2017/07/10  IMANAKA, Tetsuji: Consider future "Fukushima" ☞Flyer
 211 2016/11/04  ICHIKAWA, Maiko: Japan's Democracy Support to Myanmar           ☞Flyer
 210 2016/10/28 (joint seminar with 334th IDEC Seminar)
Le Ly Hayslip : Post Vietnam War: Rebuilding Bridges after Devastation   ☞Flyer
 209 2016/10/21 (joint seminar with 330th IDEC Seminar)
Paul Duffill: How to achieve political Participation of civil society? – potential and challenges ☞Flyer
 208 2016/06/03 ISHIGAKI, Tomoaki: Japan’s disarmament and non-proliferation diplomacy: focusing on the collaboration between government and civil society ☞Flyer
 207 2016/02/26 SAHASHI, Ryo:    Flyer
 206 2016/02/02 HIGASHI, Daisaku: Challenges of Constructing Legitimacy in Peace-building: Interaction between Academic Research and Practices   Flyer
 205 2015/11/02 (joint seminar with 305th IDEC Asia Seminar)
Dr. Erik Melander:Gender and Masculine Honor Ideology:Why They Matter for Peace? Flyer
 204 2015/10/02 WADA, Ryuta: Implication of Normalizing Relations between the US and Cuba      Flyer 
 203 2015/06/29 IMANAKA, Tetsuji: Different and Similar points of Chernobyl and Fukushima       Flyer
 202 2015/03/19  SATO, Shohei:
 201 2015/01/23  Flyer
 200 2014/11/22  Flyer
 199 2014/08/04 KAINUMA, Hiroshi: How should we think historical crisis-From the practice of Fukushimagaku Poject-    Flyer
198 2014/06/30 IMANAKA, Tetsuji: Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters
197 2014/06/16 KANNO, Hiroshi: The Present of Iitate village in Fukushima and their future
196 2014/01/21 KUBOTA, Hironobu: Civil war in Syria and International Society
195 2013/06/03 KANNO, Hiroshi: Evacuees from Iitate village in Fukushima
194 2012/12/04 KUBOTA, Hironobu: Afghan war and Iraq war, from the view Photographer on war point of a photograph
193 2012/11/02 (joint seminar with 244th IDEC Asia Seminar)
HUNTER, Alan: Coventry, Peace and Reconciliation
192 2012/10/31 YAMAUCHI, Akemi
GOTOU, Kazuma
KAWANISHI, Hidemichi
191 2012/01/27 (joint seminar with 231st IDEC Asia Seminar)
PRATT, Memunatu: Sierra Leone’s Peacebuilding and Development -Prospects and Challenges
190 2012/01/20 (joint seminar with 230th IDEC Asia Seminar)
MELEGODA, Nayani: Statebuilding in Afghanistan
189 2012/01/23 HASAI, Hiromi: My peace concept as a researcher and A-Bomb survivor
188 2011/03/16 Dr. Volodymyr Tykhy: Solving the social problems of the Chernobul sufferers: it’s not over yet
187 2010/10/13 NISHIDA, Tatsuya: A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. Alliance System in the Asia-Pacific: A Perspective of Alliance Theories
186 2010/05/14 INOUE, Mika : UN Peacekeeping Operetions and the Responsibility to Protect
185 2010/03/17 GIBO, Hiroya: How to use materials in Okinawa Peace Center
184 2009/07/08 (joint seminar with 176th IDEC Asia Seminar)
ITO, Seiro : Health insurance in rural India : Strategies to assess people’s perceptions
183 2009/07/06 (joint seminar with The Alternative Path to Peace and Cooperation 8th Seminar Meeting)
Yakov M Rabkin: The Zionist Revolution and Modern Jewish Identities
182 2009/07/02 (joint seminar with The Alternative Path to Peace and Cooperation 7th Seminar Meeting)
Robert McMahon: The 1971 India‐Pakistan War and US Foreign Policy
181 2009/02/12 MOURI, Kazuko : Approaches Toward Modern Chinese Diplomacy
180 2009/01/27 (joint seminar with 166th IDEC Asia Seminar)
Theme: Current Challenges for Peacebuilding in Afghanistan
MIYAHARA, Nobutaka: "Human Security" and Nation Building in Afghanistan
KATO, Miwa: Impact of illicit drugs on the Afghan peacebuilding process and the establishment of the rule of law
KUDO, Masaki: Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan
KAKIZAWA, Fukuro: The current security situation of Afghanistan
179 2009/01/21 (joint seminar with 165th IDEC Asia Seminar)
Diana Petkova: National Identity in the Process of Globalization
178 2008/10/29 Tarja Vayrynen:The Role of Silence in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
177 2008/07/09 TAKADA, Yoko: The Peoples Among the 20th Century Mekong Delta Cultivation
176 2008/03/06 (joint seminar with 16th HiPec Seminar)
Kim Jin-Ho: The Dilemma of Juju Islanders Militarization or Demilitarization for the Third Way as the Conflict-resolution

Kang Kyeong-Hee: Militarization and Peace in South America : Focusing on the “Plan Colombia”
175 2008/01/31 SHINKAREV,Sergie: Radiation Expose to the Population Following Chernobyl Accident and Semipalatink Nuclear Testing
Japan-Korea Peace Studies Seminar
174 2007/12/12 (joint seminar with 5th HiPec Seminar)
ROUVINSKI, Vladimir : Internal Conflict in Colombia: Perceptions, Realities, and the Peace-Building Process
173 2007/10/10 (joint seminar with 142nd IDEC Asia Seminar)
POGATSCHNIGG , Gustav-Adolf:Hiroshima in European and Japanese Literature
172 2007/07/11 (joint seminar with 135th IDEC Asia Seminar)
KITAZAWA, Yoko: Neo-Liberal Globalization VS Solidarity-Based Economy
171 2007/06/05 (joint seminar with 134th IDEC Asia Seminar)
Mutasim Abu Legasim Abbas Altegani:Darfur Problem and International NGO Works
170 2007/05/17 (joint seminar with 133rd IDEC Asia Seminar)
HALPIN, Eddie:Harmony and Exclusion in Turbulent Times: The Politics of Security As If People Mattered
169 2007/03/15 Theme: Internationalization and Peace in the South Pacific
NABALAUA, Eci : Internationalization of the University of the South Pacific
HUFFER, Elise : Issues of Peace in the South Pacific
168 2007/02/19 SHUTO, Motoko:
167 2007/01/15 (joint seminar with 128th IDEC Asia Seminar)
SUGIONO, Muhadi : Conflicts and Peacebilding Initiatives in Indonesia
166 2006/11/07 (joint seminar with 124th IDEC Asia Seminar)
MOLLOY, Desmond : DDR in the Context of Peace-building: Challenge and Limitation in the Cases of Sierra Leone and Haiti
165 2006/07/28 (joint seminar with 122nd IDEC Asia Seminar)
BOEHM , Nike: Hope rises from the Ashes of My Lai: The Madison Quakers Projects in Vietnam
164 2006/07/13 (joint seminar with 121st IDEC Asia Seminar)
MILANESE, Juan Pablo: Peaceful Nuclear Energy Cooperation and Its incidence in the Integration of the American Southern Cone
163 2006/04/12 (joint seminar with 119th IDEC Asia Seminar)
ODINTSOV, Sergey: Higher Education in West Siberia
162 2006/03/09 (joint seminar with 118th IDEC Asia Seminar)
KUZNEVANOV, Victor: Botanic Garden Resources: Linking Biodiversity and Human Well-being
161 2005/12/10
160 2005/07/01 MURAI, Yoshitaka: Conflict and Development in Ache: Earthquake, Tsunami, and International Assistance
159 2005/06/17 NAKAGOSHI, Nobukazu: Management of Views around DMZ (demilitarized zone): A Report on the Trip to South Korea
158 2005/02/24 (joint seminar with 112th IDEC Asia Seminar)
SZELL, Gyorgy: Environmental Conflicts as a New Dimension of Peace Research
157 2005/01/28 IMAOKA, Ryoko: Mongolian Nomads’ Use of Natural Resources: From the Perspective of Conflict Prevention as regards Natural Resources
156 2004/07/16 PLACHTER, Harald: Current Political Issues of Nature Protected Areas
155 2004/03/17 TAKEMINE, Seiichiro: Collection and Analysis of Sufferings of Radiation: The Case of Marshall Islands
154 2004/02/27 INOUE, Kenji: Old Russia and New Russia: The Views on USSR and Russia in Japanese media
153 2004/02/03 AKIMICHI, Tomoya: Fishery Conflict and Eco-politics with Special Reference to the Cases of Okinawa and South East Asia
152 2003/12/17 (joint seminar with 102nd IDEC Asia Seminar)
ZHUMADILOV, Zhaxybay: Health Effects of Radiation Associated with Nuclear Weapons Testing at the Semipalatinsk Test Site
151 2003/11/06 SHAW, Martin: War and Genocide
150 2003/10/31 SATOH, Ken: Vegetation in the Four Northern Islands
149 2003/09/16 IIJIMA, Shozo: Leo Strauss and Conservatism: Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy
148 2003/03/03 OGAWA, Hideki: Ethnic Conflicts and Peace from the Perspective of Building of Political Institutions
147 2003/02/21 HAMAUZU, Tetsuo: The Issue of Oil in the 21st Century
146 2003/02/01 KATSUMA, Yasushi and MIAKE Takashi: “Peace-building and Basic Education”
145 2002/12/20 HIRAKI, Takayuki: Bio-globalism and Human Security: Market, the Principle of Prevention, and Commons
144 2002/11/13 Gunnar Garbo: “Global Management through Rule of Law or through Power Politics?”
143 2002/10/19 Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot: “New Politics and Changing Parties: A Comparative Perspective”
142 2002/09/27 Paul Meyer: Canada and the G8: New Challenges in Arms Control and Disarmament
141 2002/03/14 TAKAYANAGI, Akio: “Ownership” and “Partnership” in Developmental Aid: The Context of NGOs
140 2001/12/12 (joint seminar with 77th IDEC Asia Seminar)
SATAKE, Masaaki: Filipino-Japanese Intermarriages in Japan:Social, Cultural Analysis of Expectation, Contradictions, and Transformation
Glen D. Hook: Regionalism in Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives
139 2001/11/02 YOKOHATA, Yasushi: Territorial Disputes and the Protection of Wild Lives: The Case of Goats in Spratly Islands
138 2001/10/17 MIYAWAKI, Noboru: Human Security, Human Rights, Democracy, and Conflict Prevention: The Case of Beralus
137 2001/09/14 SHNIRELMAN, Victor A. : Ideology of Ethnic Feud: Myths of the Past, Religion and Demography as Instigators of the Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict
136 2001/07/14 SHINODA, Hideaki: ‘The Rule of Law’ Approach in International Peace Operations
135 2001/03/24 Conflict, Humanitarian Law, and Peace-building
FUJITA,Hisakazu :The Tasks of the International Criminal Court
YAMASHITA,Yasuhiro :The Protection of Children in Armed Conflicts
HASEGAWA,Yasuhiro :Peace-building after Conflicts: The Roles and the Tasks of the United Nations in Complex Emergencies
134 2001/02/09 (joint seminar with 65th IDEC Asia Seminar)
SATAKE, Masaaki: Filipino-Japanese Intermarriages in Japan:Social, Cultural Analysis of Expectation, Contradictions, and Transformation
133 2001/01/18 Security in East Asia and Nuclear Issues surrounding Japan―
UMBACH, Frank: Strategic Trends of Global Denuclearization and Nuclearization ? Implications for Japan’s Security policies, Regional Stability and the TMD-Debate in East Asia
HUGHES, Christopher: Ballistic Missile Defence and Sino-Japanese Relations:The Impact on Arms Control in East Asia
MURATA, Koji (Discussant)
132 2000/09/13 MURATA, Koji: History and Tasks of the U.S.-Japan Alliance
131 2000/07/03 MOMOSE, Hiroshi: The Problem of War Crimes in Post-War Finland with Special Reference to the War Crimes Tribunal(1945-46)
130 2000/03/27 SAWADA, Shinji: Regional Integration, Confidence Building, and Nuclear Nonproliferation: The Case of South America
129 2000/03/01 KAN, Eiki: The Clinton Administration’s Strategy in Asia
128 2000/02/03 UMEMOTO, Tetsuya: The CTBT Ratification Process and US Nuclear Policy
127 1999/11/24 Akmal HUSSAIN, Nuclear Issues in South Asia: A Bangladeshi Perspective
126 1999/07/26 Review Meeting on Hiroshi YAMADA, IPSHU Research Report Series No.26: Nuclear Weapons in the Post-Cold War World and Hiroshima with Special Reference to the View of ‘New Nuclear Abolitionists’
125 1999/04/28 (Joint meeting with Social Dynamics Course of the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation)
NAKAZONO, Kazuhito: Hong Kong after the Transfer: The Future of‘One Country Two Systems’
124 1999/03/20 KIRIYAMA, Noboru: Structural Change of Southeast Asia: Developments after the Foreign Capital Introduction in the 1980s
123 1999/02/22 KIMURA, Hirotsune: Japan-US Security System and Southwast Asia: External Factors in Stability and Development
122 1999/01/12 Joint Meeting of Faculty of Law, Kyushu Univ. and Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Theme: Asian Crisis
KANEKO, Yuka: Opposition between IMF and Domestic Business Interests in Responses to Asian Crisis
YABUNO, Yuzo: Political Crisis in Asia: Future of Developmental Dictatorship
121 1998/11/17 VANAIK, Achin: Causes and Consequences of India Going Nuclear
120 1998/09/11 HUGHES, Christpher: Japan’s Economic Power and Security: Post-Cold War Japan-North Korean Relations
119 1998/07/09 NAKATUSJI, Keiji: Scope of International Political Economy
118 1998/03/16 HIRANO, Kenichiro: Japan and Twentieth Century International Relations--Cultural Universalism and Individualism
117 1998/03/04 ISHII, Osamu: US-Japan Relations and the Asia-Pacific--Focus on US Policy in the 1950s
116 1998/02/23 TOYOSHITA, Narahiko: The Establishment of the US-Japan Security System
115 1997/12/20 TAKEDA, Isami: Australian Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific Region
114 1997/10/24 NAKANO, Satoshi: The Philippines and the Postwar Order in the Asia-Pacific
113 1997/03/16 HOOK, Glenn: Regional Cooperation in Asia
112 1997/03/03 KIKUCHI, Tustomu: The Process and Structure of Asia-Pacific Regionalism--Focus on APEC and ARF
111 1996/09/20 PRASAD MISRA, Kashi: The Non-Aligned Movement and Indian Foreign Policy: Retrospect and Prospect
110 1996/09/06 CROCOMBE, Ronald: Asia and the South Pacific
109 1996/03/27 HOOK, Glenn D.: Europe in the World, Japan in Europe
108 1996/03/21 SUZUKI, Toshimasa: Region-Making Education for Peace--From the Practices of North Ireland
107 1996/03/12 TAKEUCHI, Jozen: Economy and Historical Consciousness
106 1995/07/07 KANO, Tadao: The US Department of State During the World Crisis and Reciprocal Trade policy--The Paradox of 'World Peace' by 'Economic Prosperity'
105 1995/06/16 SUMMY, Ralph: Peace Research in the Asia-Pacific Region
104 1995/03/01 CLOSE, Paul: Supranationalism in the New World Order--The Meaning for Japan
103 1995/02/17 FUJITA, Hideo: University Peace Education
102 1994/12/16 BEAL, Tim: The Flag Follows Trade: New Zealand's Asia Policy
101 1994/07/16 OBA, Chieko: The Process of the Establishment of the Macedonian Republic in Postwar Yugoslavia
100 1994/04/08 DALY, Donald, J: The Recession in Japan
99 1994/03/11 HAYASHI, Tadayuki: Cooperation in Central Europe
INOUE, Shozo: The Development and Utilization of Human Resources: Based on Case Studies of Japanese Companies Overseas
98 1994/02/19 NAKAI, Kazuo: Nationalist Problems in the Former Soviet Union
97 1993/11/16 COOPER, Carolyn: Peace, Equal Rights, Justice--From the Standpoint of Caribbean Feminism
96 1993/06/11 HAMAUZU, Tetsuo: Where Has the Oil Problem Gone?
95 1993/03/15 NISHIZAWA, Nobuyoshi: What is Happening in Asia Now?
94 1993/02/20 Theme: Consideration of ODA--Asia and Japan in the Future
YOKOYAMA, Masaki: The Limits of ODA and the Activities of NGOs
YAMASHITA, Shoichi: Japanese Aid Policy and the Situation in Southeast Asia
93 1993/02/18 TAKAHASHI, Fumiki: Environmental Destruction and Development in Southeast Asia
92 1993/01/21 ITO, Takehiko: A Psychologist's Peace Research: A Country Outside and Inside
91 1992/10/27 KAHK, Juhan: 'To Sing of Revolution' and Estonia's Future
90 1992/10/09 SASABE, Yukitaka: Wer ist Weber?
89 1992/03/07 TAKAHASHI, Susumu: Nationalist Problems in Italy
88 1992/01/29 OVERBY, Charles: Clause Nine of the Japanese Constitution as a Model for the 21st Century
87 1991/11/17 Theme: The Gulf War, The Great Transformation of the USSR and Eastern Europe, and the Direction of Large Scale Nuclear Arms Reduction
YAMADA, Hiroshi: From START I to START II--The Meaning and Development of The US President's Proposal for Nuclear Arms Reduction
HAYASHI, Tadayuki: Social Changes in the USSR and East Europe, and the Arms Reduction
KIMURA, Shuzo: Trends in the Development of Nuclear Weapons in the Third World: Focus on the Arab and Israeli Development of Nuclear Weapons
86 1991/09/26 SATO, Yukio: The Gulf War and UN
85 1991/03/19 MORI, Yuji: Peace Research Born and Pioneered in Hiroshima
84 1991/02/19 UEGAKI, Akira: What Was Romanian Socialism?
83 1990/11/05 MENDELSOHN, Everett: Bioethics and Peace
82 1990/03/19 KAWABE, Nobuo: Postwar Japanese General Trading Companies and Management History
ISHII, Osamu: US Human Rights Diplomacy
81 1990/01/20-21 Theme: Japan and Internationalization Seen From the Outside
KAN, S. J.: Japanese Orientalism and Asia
WELFIELD, John: Japan's Internationalization and Japanese Politics
MWANGI, Gordon Silas: An African View of Japan
MATSUSHITA, Marta: Japanese Internationalization Seen From the Outside
KIM, Y. H.: East Asian Industrialization and Japan's Role
80 1989/12/20 TAKEHANA, Seiji: Concerning Development in Southeast Asia
79 1989/12/12 MORISHIMA, Michio: Concerning Internationalization
78 1989/11/25 GHOSH, Samir: Concerning Peaceful Development
77 1989/10/24 PICKETT, William B.: A Reevaluation of Eisenhower's Diplomacy
76 1989/03/28 MIYAKE, Ichiro: Japanese Elections and Politics
75 1989/03/14 HIRAKAWA, Hitoshi: Reinvestigation of NIES Theory
PARK, I: Asian NIES and Developmental Dictatorship--Concerning South Korean Democratization
74 1989/01/26 ISHIDA, Takeshi: Personal Experience and Peace Research--The Emperor System, War, and Synchronicity
73 1988/09/09 Theme: Considering the Problems of Developing Nations
TAKEHANA, Seiji: Participation in a Research Trip on 'A Northern Thai Islamic Society'
NISHIZAWA, Nobuyoshi: Considering Problems in Burma
NISHIKAWA, Jun: Peace and Human Rights--The Situation of Developing Countries
72 1988/03/09 HIRAI, Tomoyoshi:The Gorbachev Administration's 'New Thinking' and Security Policy
71 1988/03/01 KAJITA, Takamichi: Ethnicity and the Decline of the Nation State
70 1987/10/31 KAMO, Takehiko: The Prospects of Nuclear Arms Reduction and SDI
69 1987/07/20 DALLIN, Alexander: The Reagan Administration and Soviet Policy
68 1987/06/16 AKIBA, Tadatoshi: The Peace Movement in the US
67 1987/03/25 AMEMIYA, Shoichi: Postwar History and the Second Period of the Peace Economy
66 1987/03/13 YAMAUCHI, Masayuki: 'Orientalism' in the USSR--Socialism and Ethnicity
65 1987/03/02 UNO, Shigeaki: Economic Development and Demands for Democracy in Contemporary China
64 1986/07/05 NURES, Nurver: Turkey and Japan in International Society
63 1986/05/27 PICCIOTTO, Sol: Nuclear Weapons, State Power and Legitimacy in International Order
62 1986/03/28 YAMAGAWA, Katsumi: Theories of Democracy
61 1985/11/13 JOXE, Alain: Nuclear Deterrence Policy Seen From Europe
60 1985/04/05 CHOI, R: The Phenomenon of the Cycle of International Politics and The Alleviation of Tensions Between North and South Korea
59 1985/03/15 Theme: Africa Under the International System--The Origins of Political and Economic 'Structural Violence'
KATSUMATA, Makoto: The Structure of Famine in Africa and the International System
ODA, Hideo: The Structure of Conflict in Africa and the Political System
58 1985/03/01 INTARATHAI, Khoontang: Japan-Thailand Political and Economic Relations
57 1984/10/01 BRAUCH, Hans Gunter: Regionalism and Interregionalism--The Case of ASEAN and the EC
56 1984/09/27 GUETZKOW, Harold: Formulating US Foreign Policy
55 1984/09/17 EISENSTADT, S. N.: The Transformation of Israeli Society
54 1984/07/06 GALVEZ, Sergio Gonzalez: The Current State and Future of Mexico
53 1984/03/28 NAKAUCHI, Tsuneo: Aid and Development
52 1984/03/10 HARUTA, Hisayoshi: Growth in Developing Countries and Japan's Internationalization
51 1983/12/08-09 Theme: The Modernization of China and Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange
ZHANG, Guang Pei: The Modernization of China and Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange
RAI, Kiichi: Sino Japanese Culture in History
MATSUO, Masatsugu: China's Introduction of Leading Edge Technology
KOMATSU, Izuru: Changes in Chinese Agricultural Society
YAMASHITA, Shoichi: The Modernization of China's Economy
KURUSHIMA, Mikio: Education and China's Modernization
MORI, Yuji: Modernization and Thought
50 1983/07/14 YAMADA, Hiroshi: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Peace Research, Peace Education, and Peace Movements--Looking Towards the 1983 Peace Studies Association of Japan
49 1983/05/31 Roling, B. V. A.: The Tokyo Trials and Peace Research
48 1982/11/18 KOBAYASHI, Fumio: The Textbook Controversy and China
47 1982/10/15 SKILLING, Gordon: Humans Rights Movements in Eastern Europe
46 1982/09/07 ALGER, Chadwick: The Role of Citizens and Local Authorities in International Relations
45 1982/07/20 KURINO, Otori: Report on Attendance at Second UN Special Assembly on Arms Reduction
44 1982/06/14 Investigation of IPSHU Director Kurino Otori's Proposal for a Speech at the Second UN Special Assembly on Arms Reduction
43 1982/04/27 MORI, Toshikazu: Arms Reduction and Development--The 1981 UN Report
42 1982/03/23 KIDO, Shigeri: The Situation of Poland and the Future of Eastern Europe
MOMOSE, Hiroshi: The Polish Question and The Situation of Northern Europe
41 1982/03/01 TAKAYANAGI, Sakio: The Current State of Peace Research in Western Europe
40 1982/02/19 FUKUDA, Kanichi: A Social Meeting with the Professor
39 1981/10/07 KIM, Leioho: The Reception of Atomic Bomb Literature in the USSR
38 1981/10/05 VORONSTOV, Valdilen B.: Report
37 1981/07/14 KURINO, Otori: The Issue of Arms Reduction
36 1981/06/16 Discussion: The Particularism and Universalism of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
35 1981/04/21 KURINO, Otori: Arms Reduction, Development, Peace--The Opening Next Year of the Second UN Special Assembly on Arms Reduction
34 1981/03/17 BAMBA. Nobuya: International Politics of Identity
ONO, Osamu: The Security and Peace of Civil Society
33 1981/03/16 IWAMURA, Noboru: Public Participation in Health Promotion During Conditions of General Development
32 1981/01/27 KURINO, Otori: The Completion of Dispatch Duties for the Rescue of Refugees from Indo-China
31 1980/11/12 BROWN, Neville G.: UK Nuclear Deterrence and the Labour Party
30 1980/10/17 KOMURA, Fujihiko: Ernst Bloch's Future Images
29 1980/10/02 MORI, Yuji: Concerning the SCA Project--The Role of Agriculture in the Growth of Civilization
28 1980/07/15 Theme: Peace and Development--Case Study Research
YAMASHITA, Shoichi: Problems in Japan-Thailand Economic Development
ISHII, Osamu: Japanese Economic Friction in the 1930s
MOMOSE, Hiroshi: The Development of Small Power Diplomacy and Finland's Security
27 1980/06/16 WILLS, Gary: Problems in Contemporary US Society--Concerning Presidential Elections
26 1980/05/27 LOESER, Franz: Nuclear Weapons and the Philosophy and Theoretical Meaning of Hiroshima--Visiting Hiroshima 35 Years On
25 1980/03/22 Theme: Peace and Development--Modernization and Militarization
SEKI, Hiroharu: Peace and Development
MATSUO. Masatsugu: The Research Parameters of Development and Growth
HATSUSE, Ryuhei: Prospects for the Japanese Model of Modernization
HATA, Ikuhiko: Modernization and Militarization
UCHIYAMA, Hideo: Modern Democracy and Militarization
YABUNO, Yuzo: The Function of the Military in Theories of Modernization
24 1979/12/04 UNO, Shozo: Peace and Philosophy
UBUKI, Akira: Regions and Peace--The Hiroshima Japan Congress Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs as Research Material
23 1979/10/09 BERGMANN, Theodor: The Limits of Growth
22 1979/07/17 SINGER, John David: The Outlook for US World Strategy in the 1980s
21 1979/05/15 MELLINGER, H: The Issue of International Understanding Education
20 1979/04/17 VASILEV, Nikolai: US-Soviet Relations and World Peace
19 1979/03/19 A Joint Review of Nuclear Weapons and Peace, by Shono Naomi (ed.)
18 1979/01/30 MATSUO, Masatsugu: Considering the Starting Point of Hiroshima
17 1978/12/19 SEKI, Hiroharu; MORI, Yuji: The UN University Research Project 'People and Society--Objectives, Process, Indicators'
16 1978/11/21 ANUAR, Abdel-Malek: The UN University Research Project (SCA)
15 1978/10/16 CONSTANTINO, Renato: Nationalism in the Philippines
14 1978/04/25 LARKIN, Bruce. D.: The US and North Asia--Issues in the 1980s
13 1978/01/31 BRUCAN, Silviu: The Future of the Nation State: Will It Keep Order or Wither Away?
12 1977/05/25 MARUYAMA, Masao: 50 Years of Peace Research
11 1977/04/23 WOLFSON, Murray: The Cold War and Model of Conflict
10 1977/01/25 LEY, Herman: Dresden and Hiroshima
9 1976/09/21 SHIBATA, Shingo: Attendance at a Peace Research Meeting in Vienna
SEKI, Hiroharu: Attendance at Edinburgh ISPA Meeting
8 1976/07/13 MUSHAKOJI, Kinhide: UN University Research Project
ALGER, Chadwick: Cities as Areas for Participatory Learning in Global Citizenship
7 1976/05/29 A Social Meeting Surrounding Nakano Yoshio
6 1976/04/27 ISHIIGAYA, Seikan: Theories of Low Energy Use
5 1976/04/13 ABE, Koichiro: The Current Situation of Information Search Technology
SEKI, Hiroharu: Peace Research Institutions in America and Europe
4 1976/02/24 SHONO, Naomi: Research Survey on Current State of Nuclear Problems
MORI, Yuji: One View of Peace Science: The Approach from Life Sciences
3 1976/01/27 KAWATA, Tadashi: Peace Research and the Third World
2 1975/12/09 Panel Discussion on Peace Research
1 1975/10/24 Social Meeting with Professor Chadwick Alger


  • ISSN.0386-3565
  • Annual, partly in Japanese and partly in English
  • Articles marked by * are in English
  • Free on request. Please contact us. However, some are out of stock.
  • All thesis can see freely from below website.
     Hiroshima University Institutional Repository “HIROSHIMA PEACE SCIENCE"

    <Cumulative Index>

    Sabahuddin SOKOUT and Mari KATAYANAGI, Business Informality as a Deterrent to Peace and Stability in Afghanista
    Noriyuki KAWANO and Luli van der DOES, [Research Note] The Fourth Online Survey of Students' Perceptions of Peace on the 78th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Preliminary Results
    Tomoko KAKEE, [Book Review Essay] Feminist interrogations of global nuclear politics
    Rebun KAYO, Attributes and Purpose of Erection of Stone Monuments Distributed on the Higashi-Senda Campus of Hiroshima University and the Grounds of the Former Faculty of Science Building Mo. 1 of Hiroshima University
    Yoko HIYAMA and Rebun KAYO, [Material] Interview with Ms. Yoko Hiyama foe her Testimony: As the doaughter of Tatsuo Morito, the first president of Hiroshima University


    Toshifumi MURAKAMI, [Review] Trends and Achievements in Peace Education Research since the 2000s
    Takanori MIKAMI, A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Policy Speeches of 2012 and 2022
    Tetsuji IMANAKA, [Research Note] Residual Radiation Data and Methods to Draw the Graphs Used in NHK Special "Atomic Bomb Initial Investigation: Hidden Truth"
    Noriyuki KAWANO, Luli van der DOES, [Research Note] Online Survey of Student's Perceptions of Peace on the 77th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Preliminary Results
    Takashi KURAMOTO, Masaki MIZOBUCHI, [Book Review Essay] Intertwining Power Politics and Resonating Threat Perceptions: The Unstable Persian Gulf Resional Order and the Prospects of 'Advanced Sultanism'?
    Yukio SATO: In Memory of Mushanokoji Kinhide: With the History of Peace Studies in Japan

    Vol.43 (2021)

    Hiroshi ICHIKAWA, [Review] The Uranium Resource Development in the Soviet Union in Its Early Days
    Hirokazu MIYAZAKI,Between History and Eternity: Bishop of Nagasaki Yamaguchi Aijiro's Decisions and Prayers
    Takanori MIKAMI, A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Policy Speeches of 2011 and 2021
    Takayuki NAKATSUBO, Akiko SASAKI-KINOSHITA, Peace Education Based on the Whaling Problem: Practice and Results in Liberal Arts Education Program
    Hiromi ICHIKAWA, Historical Development of Conscientious Objection and its system: An Analysis from the Perspective of Aporia
    Hideaki SHINODA, Why Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan should be interpreted in line with International Law and Why Japanese Constitutional Lawyers Failed to Understand it Appropriately
    Vladisaya Bilyanova VASILEVA, Noriyuki KAWANO, An Examination of the Meaning of Atomic- Bomb Survivors' Demands for State Compensation from the Japanese Government: Based on 2005 and 2009 Nihon Hidankyo Surveys
    Noriyuki KAWANO, Luli van der DOES, [Report] Preliminary Results of the 76th Anniversary Online Survey on the Students' Perceptions of Peace
    Tetsuji IMANAKA, [Research Note] Note on the Energy Distribution Released by the Atomic Bomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, [Research Note] The Evolution of the Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology for Asia and the Pacific (RCA): from the takeoff of the India-the Philippines-IAEA Neutron Crystal Spectrometer Program (IPA) to Japan's participation in the RCA

    Vol.42 (2020)

    Megu OHTAKI, Health Effects of Internal Radiation Exposure from "Black-Rain" Recognized by District Court
    Toshifumi MURAKAMI, Study of Israeli Peace Consciousness: Based on Opinion Surveys of Junior High School Students
    Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, The Development of N.S. Savannah as a Part of the US's Atoms for Peace Campaign: Evolving Political Implications of the Nuclear Merchant Ship
    Vladisaya Bilyanova VASILEVA,Shizue IZUMI, Noriyuki KAWANO, Messages from Hibakusha to the US Government: An Examination Based on 2009 Nihon Hidankyo Survey
    Harmond Pedrosa MARTE, Mari KATAYANAGI, Private Sector Involvement in Bangsamoro Peace Agenda
    Frederic KHONDE NTOTO, Mari KATAYANAGI, Middle Powers as Stabilizers? An Analysis of South African Involvement in Conflict Resolution in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    Luli van der DOES, Noriyuki KAWANO, Factors Driving Atomic-bomb Survivors to Offer Their Testimonies: A Statistical Modelling by Binomial Logistic Regression Using the 75th Anniversary Survey Results
    Luli van der DOES, Noriyuki KAWANO, Students' Perception of the Atomic-bomb Heritage and Nuclear Disarmament: A Cross-disciplinary Analysis of the 75th Anniversary Students' Survey Results

    Vol.41 (2019)
    Hiroshi ICHIKAWA, Reconsidering "Eternal Brotherhood" : the Transfer of Nuclear Technology from the Former Soviet Union to the People's Republic of China in the 1950s
    Luli van der DOES, Noriyuki KAWANO, An Empirical Study of the Atomic-bomb Survivors' Trauma and the "Vehicles" for Recollection
    Eric COSME-GOMEZ, Mari KATAYANAGI, Indigenous Self-determination based on Originised Distrust and Identity: Alternative Democracy in Cheran, Mexico
    Tokihiko FUJIMOTO, Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, The Civil Engineers' Unfinished Business: Japan's Commitment to the Development of the Cambodian Prek Thnot Project
    Jaroslav KRASNY, Noriyuki KAWANO, Use of Nuclear Weapons and the Law of Armed Conflict
    Hideaki SHINODA, An Exploration of the Relationship between International Law and the Constitution of Japan: Critical Examinations of the Flaws of Traditional Interpretations of Article 9 by Constitutional Lawyers

    Vol.40 (2018)
    Hiroshi ICHIKAWA, "Atomic Energy in the Eastern Bloc": On the Soviet Aids in the Field of Atomic Energy to Its East-European Allies in the 1960s - 1980s
    Masayoshi YAMAMOTO, Kouya HONDA, Toshihiro TAKATSUJI, Aya SAKAGUCHI, Satoru ENDO, Noriyuki KAWANO, Masaharu HOSHI, Atomic Bomb Fallout and "Black rain" at Manose District (Hirama-cho) Located Northeast of Nagasaki City
    Toshifumi MURAKAMI, Study of Peace Education to Pass On the War Experience to the Fourth Generation (the Next Generation)
    Asami OGURA, Sustainability of the Small Coffee Farmers in Sri Lanka: A Study from the Viewpoint of Distribution Structure
    Luli van der DOES, Noriyuki KAWANO, An Empirical Study of the Shifts in HIROSHIMA's Identity in the Peace Declarations and Their English Translations 1947-2018
    Lina Yuasa Price, Luli van der DOES, Noriyuki KAWANO, What the Testimony of the Victims of 8.20 Hiroshima Sediment Disaster Reveals
    Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, The "Peaceful Use" of Disassembled Russian Nuclear Weapons: Revisiting the "Megatons to Megawatts Program"

    Vol.39 (2017)
    Kazuo ZAIKI, The transformation of ethnic composition after the civil war viewed from the population census data in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Hideaki SHINODA, Political Implications of the "Withdrawal Strategy" of African States from the International Criminal Court (ICC)
    Seiichiro TAKEMINE, Invisible Nuclear Catastrophe Consequences of the U.S. Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb Testings in the Marshall Islands: Focusing on the "Overlooked" Ailuk Atoll
    Noriyuki KAWANO, Luli van der DOES, Heritage of the Atomic-Bomb Experience: What needs to be conveyed?
    Luli van der DOES, Noriyuki KAWANO, Can the Atomic-bomb Experiences be conveyed through "Peace tourism"?: The Case for a "Participatory Heritage" Approach
    Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Gender Mainstreaming in Nuclear Disarmament

    Vol.38 (2016)
    Emiko NAKASAKA, Responsibility and Burden Sharing in the Acceptance of Refugees and Beneficiaries of Subsidiary Protection in the EU: Reform of the Dublin Regulation and the Relocation
    Toshifumi MURAKAMI, The Influence that Wartime Experience Gave to Peace Awareness: Chronological Analysis of the Attitude Surveys of Junior High School Students on War and Peace
    Akihiro YAMASHITA, The Role of Strategic Bomber as a Means of Transporting Nuclear Weapon
    Hiroyuki KAWAMOTO, Luli van der DOES, Noriyuki KAWANO, Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Views on the Possibility of the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
    Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, An Aspect of More Involvement of the United Nation Environment Programme(UNEP)in the Peacebuilding: With Special Attention to the Stronger Recognition of the Interaction between Environment and Conflicts
    Kyoko HIRABAYASHI, Talgat MULDAGALIYEV, Kazbek APSALIKOV, Noriyuki KAWANO, Interview Survey on Parents and Children in the Semipalatinsk Area: Perceived Causality between Children’s Diseases/Disabilities and Nuclear Tests
    Asami OGURA, Roles for ESD played by Environmental NGOs―Case study of an attempt to connect Japan and Malaysia throughout rain forests reforestation by community participation
    Adriana María Henríquez Millon, Noriyuki KAWANO, Do Peace Education Programs Have an Influence on High School Students? -Case Study of Hiroshima Jogakuin Jr. & Sr. High School in Japan-

    Vol.37 (2015)
    Tatsuhiko SHIMOMUKAI, Historical Position of Baekje(百済) Relief War -The Served “Ancestor of Mitani(三谷)Gunji(郡司)” and the Exiled Baekje Monk Gusai(弘済)-
    Yasuhiro YAMADA, The Nearly Established but Collapsed Consensus on the Atomic Bombings of Japan: A Historiographical Essay
    Norihisa NISHIMURA, Takuya SAKAGUCHI, Akihiro YAMASHITA, Field Projection Device of Atomic Bomb Dome by Augmented Reality
    Hideaki SHINODA, The UN High-level Independent Panel Report and the Current State of UN Peace Operations: Implications of “Primacy of Politics” and “Partnership Peace Operations”
    Hiroyuki KAWAMOTO, Noriyuki KAWANO, An Analysis over the Thoughts of Atomic Bomb Survivors: From the Viewpoints of Hatred and Sense of Responsibility for Atomic Bomb Devastation
    Seiichiro TAKEMINE, Noriyuki KAWANO, Talgat MULDAGALIYEV, Kazbek APSALIKOV, Outline of the Law on Social Protection of Citizens Suffered from Nuclear Tests in Semipalatinsk Conducted by the Former Soviet Union
    Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, OECD/NEA Halden Reactor Project in Norway-A Study of Establishment of a Multinational Nuclear Center for Excellence in a Country without NPPs-
    Asami OGURA, The meaning and issues about community development with civic collaboration in provincial city -Case study of Eco-net Higashi-Hiroshima
    Yuko ETO, Noriyuki KAWANO,【Research Note】Action and Evacuation Procedures of Disabled People at the Occurrence of Great East Japan Disaster: Based on the Instance of Soma-City

    Vol.36 (2014)
    Masahiko TOGAWA, Mahatma Gandhi and Atomic Bomb: Nuclear Deterrence and the Meanings of Nonviolence Movement
    Hideaki SHINODA, The Principle of Impartiality in UN Peacekeeping Operations and the Shift of Understanding of International Order
    Takanori MIKAMI, English debating classes to nurture Japanese university students who could sustain democracy from a global perspective: developing accountability, critical thinking, and English abilities
    Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Revisiting the Asian Medical Organization: An analysis of its political processes, lessons, and legacy
    Yoko MATSUURA・Kenichi SATOH・Noriyuki KAWANO, Concept of Peace in Nagasaki: Analysis of Nagasaki Peace Declaration
    Jaroslav KRASNY・Noriyuki KAWANO, Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Principle of Unnecessary Suffering: The Use of Nuclear Weapons in an Armed Conflict
    Asami OGURA, 【Research Note】An Attempt at “Peace Education” at Hiroshima University through a Short-Term Study Abroad Program

    Vol.35 (2013)
    Tatsuo YAMANE, Securing Security Governance in Post-conflict Situation: A Framework of Conflict Prevention through ECOWARN in West African Region
    Takanori MIKAMI, A Study of ranking countries based on the Hiroshima Report by comparison with the Global Peace Index
    Toshifumi MURAKAMI, A Study on Peace Education in Germany: By the Surveys at German Gymnasiums
    Yoko MATSUURA, Kenichi SATOH and Noriyuki KAWANO, Concept of Peace in Hiroshima: Analysis of Hiroshima Peace Declaration
    Shin Hyung-keun and Noriyuki KAWANOGrassroots Cooperation Concerning the Problems of Korean Atomic Bomb Survivors

    Vol.34 (2012)
    Reuben LEWIS and Hideaki SHINODA, Operationalizing Early Warning for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in West Africa: A Case Study of ECOWAS Early Warning System
    Toshifumi MURAKAMI, A Study on Peace Education in Okinawa: By the Survey of the Pimary and Junior High School Students
    Shoichiro SENDAI, Planning Process of Hiroshima Peace Park Project by Kenzo Tange
    Akihiro YAMASHITA, The Safety Fears for Osprey
    Kayo NISHI, The U.S. Involvement in the Asia Pacific: The Administrative History of Guam under the Naval Government
    Kyoko HIRABAYASHI, Noriyuki KAWANO, Talgat MULDAGALIYEV, Kazbek APSALIKOV and Megu OHTAKI,The psychological effects and their causes among residents living near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
    Shin Hyung-keun and Noriyuki KAWANO, The Previous Research of Korean Atomic bomb Survivors and the Problems to be Solved
    Noriyuki KAWANO, To What Degree Have Hiroshima University Students Understood the A-bomb Afflictions?

    Vol.33 (2011)
    Akihiro YAMASHITA, Role of International Court of Justice in Border Conflict over the World Heritage
    Toshifumi MURAKAMI, Cooperation between Peace Enlightenment by Local Governments and School Education
    Takanori MIKAMI, The Implications of a Comparison of the Peace Rankings of Major Powers
    Susumu HASEGAWA and Yuji UESUGI, A Review of the difference between the US and UK Forces in their use of Private Security Companies in Security Sector Reform in Iraq: an Explanation focusing on the Difference in the Legacy of Counter-insurgency Operations and the Understanding of the Legitimacy
    The Guam Integrated Military Development Plan and the U.S. Racial Politics: Case of the Guam Public Water System・・・・・・・Kayo IKEDA and Noriyuki KAWANO
    Noriyuki KAWANO, Research Note for the Interviews with the Residents Who Used to Live in Prypiat near Chernobyl, Ukraine
    Hideaki SHINODA, Tasks for the Development of Local Society’s Ownership for Peacebuilding and Dilemmas of State-building with Special Reference to the Cases of Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka

    Vol.32 (2010)
    Historical, Theoretical and Policy-oriented Re-examination of the Principle of Ownership of Local Society for Peacebuilding
    Kazuhito Nakazono, Sino-Portuguese Relations on the status of Macau
    Akihiro YAMASHITA, Cause of Border Conflict over the World Heritage
    Satoko MORI, Alter-globalization movement across borders: Reviewing 10 years of the World Social Forum
    Noriyuki KAWANO, Megu OHTAKI and Takao OKADA, Visualized Map of a fire field near epicenter of Hiroshima A-bomb in August 6, 1945
    Ajith Balasooriya and Hideaki SHINODA, The “Responsibility to Protect” at the End of Conflict: The Role of the International Community in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in the Sri Lanka

    Vol.31 (2009)
    Ronni ALEXANDER, Women facing Militarization and BioPolitics : A Lesson from the Pacific RegionToshifumi MURAKAMI, A Comparative Study of Peace Consciousness of Secondary School Students : A Case Study of Secondary School Students in Shanghai, Honolulu, Denver and Kyoto
    Tetsuji IMANAKA and Noriyuki KAWANO, Radioactive Contamination and Social Consequences Caused by the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
    Masatsugu MATSUO, The Relationship between International Pace and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution” An International Comparison of the Concept of Peace among Nuclearand WarAffected Areas
    Tatsuo YAMANE, State failure and Armed Group : An Implication for Peacebuilding
    Tetsuro IJI and Hideki FUCHINOUE, Toward a Better Understanding of Multiparty Mediation in International Relations
    Hideaki SHINODA, The Significance of Ownership of Local Society in Peacebuilding

Vol.30 (2008)
Masatsugu MATSUO and Seiji TANI, Taking Refuge at the Time of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima : Beyond Rivers and Bridges
Noriyuki KAWANO, Kyoko HIRABAYASHI, Masatsugu MATSUO, Kazbek APSALIKOV, Talgat MULDAGALIYEV and Megu OHTAKI, Direct Experiences from the Nuclear Test in Inhabitants in the Semipalatinsk Area : A Study of the Major Factors Affecting Their Experiences
Yoko OGASHIWA, Conflicts in the Pacific Island Countries and Regional Cooperation : Attempts at Building Good Governance
Norio IKENO, Hiromi KAWAGUCHI, Hiroko TAGUCHI, Naho INOUE, Naoya ITO, Ryosuke MINAMIURA, Naoaki KAWAMURA and Takashi SANTANDA, An Empirical Study on Change of the Junior High School Student’s Consciousness and Recognition of International Peace Based on the Practice Evaluation and Comparing in the Unit “The Relationship between International Peace and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution”
Hideaki SHINODA, The Difficulty and Importance of Local Ownership and Capacity Development in Peacebuilding

Vol.29 (2007)
Masatsugu MATSUO and Seiji TANI, Rivers and Bridges as First Places of Refuge at the Time of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
Toshifumi MURAKAMI, The Second Study on Education about the Method for Peace Building: A Comparison of Opinion Surveys of Secondary School Pupils in Japan and England
Hiromi ICHIKAWA, Civil Disobedience by Soldiers: Selective Refusal and Desertion
Kenji IWATA, Russias Security Policy since Putins Munich Speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference
Hideaki SHINODA, Toward a Sustainable Strategy of Peacebuilding: An Examination of Negative and Positive Justifications of Security Sector Reform (SSR)
Juan Pablo MILANESE, A Nuclear Integration: Constructing Supranationality in the South American Southern Cone
Nataliya N. VITCHENKO and Elena S. TURUTINA, <Research Note> The Ethical and Gender Aspects of War and Peace: Possible Research and Teaching Trajectories・・・ 

Vol.28 (2006)
Seiichi KOIKE, Tatuo Morito’s Theory of Peace
Toshifumi MURAKAMI, A Study on Education about the Method to Be a Peace Builder: By the Investigation of Peace Consciousness of Junior High School Students
MATUO, A Directory of Electric Images of Hand-written Manuscripts of Sankichi Toge
Toshiya ABE and Hideki SHINODA, The Role of Assistance in “Confidence Building” and “Reconciliation” for Palestina
Kazuo ZAIKI, The Negotiation among King Aleksandar and Opposition Leaders in 1934: The Last Attempt of Consolidating the South Slav Nation State through Monarchist dictatorship
Victor KUZEVANOV and Svetlana SIZYKH, Review Botanic Gardens Resources: Tangible and Intangible Aspects of Linking Biodiversity and Human Well-Being
Masatsugu MATSUO, Yerzhan BEKTOROV, Talgat MULDAGALIYEV, Kazbek APSALIKOV, Kyoko HIRABAYASHI, Noriyuki KAWANO, A Preliminary Study on Attitudes toward Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Tests of the Residents of Kurchatov, Kazakhstan
Hideaki SHINODA, Security Sector Reform and Peacebuilding in Africa with Special Reference to the Case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Vol.27 (2005)
Yoko OGASHIWA, The Diplomacy of the Pacific Islands Forum toward ASEAN: The Meaning of Forums Perception on ASEAN
Kyong-ah JEONG, A Consideration of the Asian Character in Asian Regionalism: With the Focus on the ADB Foundation Process
Hideaki SHINODA, On the Role of Rule of Law in Conflict and Post-conflict Societies: An Analysis of Peace-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina with Special Reference to the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annans Report
Kazuo ZAIKI, National Question and Parliamentary Government in the First Yugoslavia from 1923 to 1924

Akemi KURACHI, Research on Cultural Stereotypes of Japanese Teachers and Volunteers
Norio IKENO, Nobuo TAKENAKA, Noboru TANAKA, Toshie NIKAIDO and Eiji NYU, Unit Plan Considering the United Nations: A Study on the Development of a Junior High School Civics Course (2)
Takayuki HIRAKI, GMO Conflict between Patent Protection and Farmers
Privilege: A Schmeiser v. Monsanto Case (2)
Masatsugu MATSUO, One Language or Two? Real and Perceived Identification and Differentiation of Language

Vol.26 (2004)
Hiroshi YAMADA, The Reduction of US-Russian Strategic Nuclear Weapons and the Issue of Reserve Stockpiles: Reconsidering the Significance of the SORT
Yoko OGASHIWA, The Commitment of the Pacific Islands Forum to Regional Conflict: From Peace Building to the Decision of Military Intervention in Solomon Islands
Rieko KARATANI, The Creation of Migrants: Institutional Origins of the Separate Arrangements for Refugees and Migrants after World War II
*Masatsugu MATSUO, Noriyuki KAWANO, Kyoko HIRABAYASHI, Yasuyuki TOOKA, Negamatovich APSALIKOV and Masaharu HOSHI, A Full-text English Database of Testimonies of Those Exposed to Radiation near the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site, Kazakhstan
Masahiko IKEDA and Masatsugu MATSUO, The Tokyo Materials of TogeSankichi: In the Context of Its Electronic Storage
Takayuki HIRAKI, GMO Conflict between Patent Protection and Farmers Privilege: A Schmeiser v. Monsanto Case
*Masaaki SATAKE, Overseas Dependent Development or Alternative Development: Significance of Philippine Community-based Industries
Kazuo ZAIKI, A Short History of the First Yugoslavia: From the December Proclamation in 1918 to the Demise of Protics Cabinet in 1919
Hideaki SHINODA, The Rule of Law in International Peace-building Activities: The Cases of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vol.25 (2003)

*Vincent HOFFMANN-MARTINOT, New Politics and Changing Parties: A Comparative Perspective
Noriyuki KAWANO, Kyoko HIRABAYASHI, Masaharu HOSHI and Masatsugu MATSUO, A Full-text Japanese Database of Testimonies of Those Exposed to Radiation near the Nuclear Test Site of Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan
Masatsugu MATSUO and Akihiro YAMASHITA, Language Proficiency and Self-name in Northeastern Thailand
Akemi KURACHI, Analysis of Volunteers and Teachers Cultural Stereotypes: Perspectives on Perceptions and Awareness
Reiko MORI, Intercultural Education from a Peace Perspective: The Historical Perception of International Students and World Peace
Toshifumi MURAKAMI, A Comparative Sociological Study of Peace Museums and Military Museums
Kazuo ZAIKI, A Short History of the South Slav Unification Movement: From the Illyrian Conception of 1830s to the Corfu Declaration in 1917
Hideaki SHINODA, A Strategic Analysis of Activities relating to
the Rule of Law Approach of Peace-building

Vol.2 (2002)
*Ho-Won JEONG, Peace Building: Operational Imperatives and Organizational Co-ordination (PDF 534KB)
Hideaki SHINODA, Re-considering the Concept of Peace-building from Strategic Perspectives on International Peace Operations
*Masatsugu MATSUO, Some Reflections on the Assumptions of the Mainstream International Relations Theory (PDF 624KB)
*Ryuhei HATSUSE ( RiuheiHatsse), Formation of an Interstate System in East Asia (PDF 571KB)
*Seiitsu TACHIBANA, Bush Administration’s Nuclear Weapons Policy: New Obstacles to Nuclear Disarmament (PDF 674KB)

Yuji OISHI, Internationalization of Jerusalem as a Basis for Peace in the Middle East: Re-appreciating the 1947 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181(II)
Yoko OGASHIWA, The Process of Solving Ethnic Conflict in Solomon Islands: Mediation and its Implication
*Noriyuki KAWANO and Masatsugu MATSUO, Political Outcomes of the Slips of the Tongue of Japanese Ministers(PDF 569KB)
Hiromi ICHIKAWA, Transformation of Conscription System in Germany: Confrontation between a State and an Individual
Kazuo ZAIKI, Life Satisfaction of the Middle-Aged Single People in Hiroshima City: Based on the Results of Questionnaire Survey Conducted in 2000

Vol.23 (2001)
Hideaki SHINODA, Nuclear Weapons and International Humanitarian Law as Jus Cogens: The Problem of jus in bello and jus ad bellum or Law and Politics in the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Use and the Threat of Nuclear Weapons
*Hiromi ICHIKAWA, Conscientious Objection in Japan in Contrast to that in Europe
Ohtori KURINO, Systematizing Peace Studies
Toshifumi MURAKAMI, The International Trend of Peace Education in the 1990s
Akemi KURACHI, The Process of a University Student Coping With Her Xenophobia against Overseas Students
Masatsugu MATSUO, An Essay on the Hierarchy of Languages
Glenn D. PAIGE, Nonkilling Korea: Building a Peace Structure on the Korean Peninsula

Vol.22 (1999-2000)
*Yuji OISHI, The Virtual State of Palestine: Interim Self-Government and the Next Step
*Yoko OGASHIWA, South Pacific Forum: Survival under External Pressure
MATSUO, Masatsugu, Conflicts over the Writing System: Toward a Theory of Script Conflict
MIZUMOTO, Kazumi, Idealism and Realism in Nuclear Disarmament Proposals: Unsolved Issues of the Tokyo Forum
SHINODA, Hideaki, International Assistance in Domestic Elections in the Post-Cold War Era: Peace, Human Rights, and the Function of Democracy
MURAKAMI, Toshifumi, The Development of the Theory of Peace Education after the War: A Sociological Analysis
KOBAYASHI, Fumio, and SHIBATA, Iwao, A Study on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Declaration 1999, as Seen through Inquiries, for Chinese Students in Chiba Institute of Technology
KODERA, Sayoko, on RESERVATIONS: As a Factor to diminish the Effectiveness of Human Rights Treaties (Continued)
SAWADA, Shiniji, [Book Review] The New Horizon of IR Theory and World Sociology: Rebecca Grant and Kathaleen Newland (ens.), Gender and International Relations

Vol.20 (1997)
YOSHIDA, Haruhiko, 'ODA and National Interests--ODA as a Political Instrument and Its Implications'
SAWADA, Shinji, 'Globalization, Cultural Politics and Identity Politics'
HUGHES, Christopher, 'Japan's Role in the North Korean ''Soft Landing'''
SHIMONO, Hisako, '1986: Transformation of Vested Interests by Foreign Direct Investment'
MURAKAMI, Toshifumi, 'The Recogniton of Asia: As the Fundamental Factor for Mutualism and Development Aid'
KURACHI, Akemi, 'Transcultural Education at the University Level: Overcoming ''Ibunka'' in Self'
IKENO, Norio, ANBE, Hirotaka, OKAZAKI, Seiji, OGAWA, Mariko, ONO, Junko, KOBAYASHI, Rie, FUJISE, Taiji, MIYAKANE, Wakiko, MIYAZAKI, Shuko, MIYOSHI, Katsumi, 'Developing a Lesson Plan for Teaching Social Issues in History: Unit ''The Relationship Between International Peace and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution: A Historical Perspective'''
ANEZAKI, Yoichi, TAMURA, Keiko, SAGUCHI, Masaaki, 'A Collaborative Experiment of British University Adult Education in the 90s (2): A New Possibility of Adult Continuing Education in the UK No.8'
OKAMOTO, Mituso, 'Peace Studies in Colleges and Universities in Japan--A Second General Survey'
FUNAHASHI, Yoshie, 'The First Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs--An Interview with Mr. HeiichiFujii'
KODERA, Sayoko, 'Treaties Which Japan Concluded with Foreign States, and Japan--Reflecting on the Legal Effects of Those Treaties in Japan as Japanese Domestic Laws'
*OGASHIWA, Yoko, 'The Pacific Island Countries in Asia-Pacific Regional Frameworks--Retrospect and Prospect'
*SHONO, Naomi and ANZAI, Ikuro, 'A Petition on the Nuclear Policy of the Japanese Government'

Vol.19 (1996)
WILDE, Japp de, 'A World of Regional Subsystems? Some Results of a Research Project by the Copenhagen Research Group'

OGASHIWA, Yoko, 'SFP'S Commitment in APEC: Approaching the Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation'
KAMIMURA, Naoki, 'The Origins and Evolution of the Good Neighbor Policy: An Historiographical Overview'
KOBAYASHI, Fumio and SHIBATA, Iwao, 'A Study on Chinese Anti-War Culture During the Sino-Japanese War as Seen Through the Organization and Activities of the Cultural Maneuver Committee'
KODERA, Sayoko, 'Legal Questions of Paying Post-War Compensation to Individual Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, or the So-Called ''Military Comfort Women'''
FUNAHASHI, Yoshie, 'Interview with Mr. Heiichi Fuji'
ANEZAKI, Yoichi, TAMURA, Keiko, and SAGUCHI, Masaaki, 'A Collaborative Experiment of British University Education in the 90's--A New Possibility of Adult Continuing Education in the UK (No. 7)'
<Research Note>MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Nested Language Conflict: Assimilation vs Differentiation'
ZAIKI, Kazuo, 'Chinese Way of Reforming an Enterprise System: Characteristics in Comparison with East European Reform'

Vol.18 (1995)
SUZUKI, Yuji, 'Peace Studies in the 21st Century and Contribution of Hiroshima'
SUMMY, Ralph, 'Hiroshima: Symbol of the Past; Hope for the Future'
KANO, Tadao, 'The U.S. State Department and the Reciprocal Trade Policy during the Great Depression Era: Paradox in the Idea of World Peace Through Economic Prosperity'
KOIKE, Seiichi, '"Abolishment of Extraterritoriality" and "Maintenance" of Public Peace--A Study on "Continuation" before and after the Manchurian Incident'
OGASHIWA, Yoko, 'Papua New Guinea's Affiliation to APEC: Pursuit of Asia-Pacific Diplomacy'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'National Minorities and State Border: A Typology'
KODERA, Sayoko, 'The Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW=Beijing Conference) and the Advancement of the Status of Women'
ANEZAKI, Yoichi, SAGUCHI, Masaaki, and TAMURA, Keiko, 'The Challenge of Employee Development Programme in Workplace Learning--A New Possibility of Adult Continuing Education in the U.K. (No.6)'
<Research Note> TAKEUCHI, Johzen, 'Memoir on Self-Reliant Change in Thai Villages'
<Book Review> SAWADA, Shinji, Searching for an Alternative Perspective toward World Politics: The Imaginary War: Understanding the East-West Conflict, by Mary Kaldor.

Vol.17 (1994)
NILSSON, Lars, 'Coping with Distance: A Framework for Studying Distance Strategies of Archipelago States'
OGASHIWA, Yoko, 'AOSIS: Evolution and Prospects of Interregionalism of Small Island States'
SAWADA, Shinji, 'Nuclear Policy in Argentina and Brazil: Disinvolvement, Non-Proliferation, and Democratization'
KODERA, Sayoko, 'International Remedies to which Private Victim Individuals of Human Rights Violations May Resort'
KURACHI, Akemi, '"Nihonjijo" Reconsidered: The Possibilities of Global Perspective'
ANEZAKI, Yoichi, SAGUCHI, Masaaki, and TAMURA, Keiko, 'The Challenge of EDL (Employee Development Learning) Programme--A New Possibility of Adult Education in the U.K. (No.5)'
MATSUOKA, Shunji, 'Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Land Reclamation Projects in Japan'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'A Bibliogpaphy of Language Conflict: A Preliminary Version'  

Vol.16 (1993)
NAKATSUJI, Keiji, 'The Korean Victims of the Atomic Bomb'
KOBAYASHI, Fumio, HASHIMOTO, Manabu, and SHIBATA, Iwao, 'A Study on Differences between Hiroshima and Nagasaki as Seen through Questionnaires Concerning Peace Declarations Delivered in 1993, for 311 Members of Hiroshima University Students'
KODERA, Sayoko, 'On the Dissemination of Treaties (Report of a Survey)--In the Case of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women'
TAMURA, Keiko, 'American Women Workers' Education in the 1930s'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Language of Work and Language Conflict (1)'
OGASHIWA, Yoko, 'Regional Approach of the SPF Countries to Climate Change: Focus on SPREP'
* SHOHNO, Naomi, MATSUO, Masatsugu, and KANEKO, Kumao, 'Japan's Role for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons'  

Vol.15 (1992)
RONEN, Dov, 'Ethnic Conflict and Self-Rule '
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Language and Nationality: Two Propositions'
OGASHIWA, Yoko, 'Characteristics and Function of the SPF in the Formative Period'
NAKATSUJI, Keiji, 'A Bibliographical Essay: the Division of Korea'
TAKEUCHI, Johzen, 'Technological Improvement and Social Change in Thai Ceramic Industry'
MORITA, Ken, 'Can Japanese Experience be Helpful in the Development of the East European Economies?--The Polish Passenger Car Industry Case'
TAMURA, Keiko, 'A Study on Workers' Education in Britain--A Short History and Prospects of Ruskin College'

Vol.14 (1991)
RAPOPORT, Anatol, 'Environmental Protection: A Catalyst of Global Integration' (Translated by FUJIMOTO, Yoshihiko)
KOBAYASHI, Fumio and SHIBATA, Iwao, 'A Study on a Chinese Victim of the Atomic Bomb in Nagasaki: The Case of the Late Mr. Zhu Zao-huo'
ANEZAKI, Yoichi, SAGUCHI, Masaki, and TAMURA, Keiko, 'The New Challenge to British Adult and Continuing Education'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, UBUKI, Satoru, KAWASAKI, Nobufumi, KOMURA, Fujihiko, TAMURA, Keiko, and FUNAHASHI, Yoshie, 'A Pilot Study on the Construction of A Full Text Data Base of Documents of Atomic Bomb Damages'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'KR: A Retrieval System for Japanese Texts'

Vol.13 (1990)
KOMURA, Fujihiko, 'An Attempt to Preserve the Literary Materials of the A-bomb Poet SankichiToge'
FUNAHASHI, Yoshie,'The Hibakusha Movement Early in the 30's of Showa'
KOBAYASHI, Fumio and SHIBATA, Iwao, 'A Study on Differences between Hiroshima and Nagasaki as Seen Through Questionnaires Concerning Peace Declarations Delivered in 1990 for 367 Members of Hiroshima University Students'
TAMURA, Keiko, 'History of Workers' Educational Movements in the United States (1)'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Linguistic Difference: Reality, Perception, and Inequality'
OISHI, Yuji, 'The United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 in the Context of the Middle East Peace Process'
SATOW, Yukio, ' PaxGlobanica in the Post-Cold War System--On Samir Amin's Perspectives'
*TAKEHANA, Seiji and YAMASHITA, Shoichi, 'Japanese Managers' Attitude towards the Transfer of Japanese Management and Technology to ASEAN Countries'

Vol.12 (1989)
*THEE, Mark, 'The Quest for the Demilitarization of International Relations--Openness versus Secrecy in Research and Development'
IWATA, Kenji, 'The Role of the City of Hiroshima in Gorbachev's Diplomacy: From the Instrument of Peace Offensive to the Symbol of Disarmament and Human Welfare' (in Russian)
MORI, Yuji, 'Violence in Historical Consciousness'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'An Essay on the Relationship Between Linguistic Differences and Inequalities'
KOBAYASHI, Fumio, HASHIMOTO, Manabu, SHIBATA, Iwao, 'A Study on Changes in Japanese Views of China: As Seen Through Letters to Newspaper Editors and Questionnaires Circulated since the "Tiananmen Incident"'
SATOH, Motohiko, 'Informal Sector in the Process of Peripheral Industrialization'
SATOW, Yukio and FUJIMOTO, Yoshihiko, 'United Nations and Apartheid: Analysing the Voting Behavior in the General Assembly'
<Book Review> JO, Tadaakira, A Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East--Problems and Prospects, by Mahmoud Karem

Vol.11 (1988)
OISHI, Yuji, 'Proclamation of the Independence of the State of Palestine and the Prospect for Peace in the Middle East'
SATOW, Yukio, 'Democratization in the Third World--From the World System and Social Movement Perspective'
MORI, Yuji, 'Failure of Education Reform--The Education Council and "China Incident""Great East Asian War"'
TAKEHANA, Seiji, 'The Concept of "Technology" in the Theory of Technology Transfer: With Special Reference to the Case of an Electric Appliance Manufacturer in Indonesia'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'The Japanese Version of PRINSE, A Simple Retrieval System for Peace Research Documents'
*TACHIBANA, Seiitsu, 'Much Ado about Something: the Factors that Induced Reagan and Gorbachev to Conclude the INF Treaty'
*KOBAYASHI, Fumio and WIIG, Lawrence, M., 'Koji Ariyoshi: A Japanese-American's Role in China During the Second World War and the Chinese Revolution' 

Vol.10 (1987)
NISHIZAWA, Nobuyoshi, 'Colonization of Burma'
MORI, Yuji, 'Reform of the Education System in Critical Years: Late Nineteen Thirties Japan'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Towards the Personal Computer Assisted Citation Retrieval of Japanese Texts'

SATOW, Yukio, 'The World System, the Third World, and the State: The Case of the Microstates and SICs'
KURUSHIMA, Mikio, 'Peace Education in China: Its Attitude and Methods'
<Book Review> TAKEHANA, Seiji, Foreign Aid Reconsidered, by Roger C.Riddell
*KURINO, Ohtori, 'Challenge and Dilemma for Peace Movements in Japan'

Vol.9 (1986)
MATSUMOTO, Hiroshi, 'What was and is behind the Atomic Bomb'
YAMADA, Yasuhiro, NAKATANI, Fumihiko, and YAMADA, Hiroshi, 'On the Gaither Report--A Guidepost for American Nuclear Strategy at a Turning Point'
KIKKAWA, Gen, 'The Development of the CSCE Process: Toward the Institutionalization of Detente'
SATOW, Yukio, 'Approach to the Nation-States System in the Third World: The World-System and Latin America'
TAKEHANA, Seiji, 'The Allocation of Japanese Official Development Assistance: The Cases of Technical Assistance and Grant Aid Programs'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Improvement of PRINSE, A Simple Retrieval System for Peace Research Documents'
MORI, Toshizaku and AIZAWA, Kunio, 'New Dimension of Person-Computer Simulation: A Pilot Run on the International Political Simulation Game with Telecommunication'
*SHOHNO, Naomi, 'The Meaning of Hiroshima-Nagasaki'
*SHIBATA, Shingo, 'Sociological Implications of Hiroshima and the Anti-Nuclear Movement'

Vol.8 (1985)
TAKAHASHI, Fumiki, 'Ecological Considerations on the Development, Conservation of the Environment and Assistance to Developing Countries for Peace'
SATOW, Yukio, 'Structures of Current International Conflict and "Deconstruction" of Peace-Conflict Theory (II)--A Third World Perspective'
TATEYAMA, Yutaka, 'A Critique of Formal/Informal Dualism in Third World Urban Systems'
IWAMURA, Noboru, 'Primary Health Care (PHC) and Peace'
KURINO, Ohtori, 'A Study on the Kampuchean Problem'
NISHIZAWA, Nobuyoshi, 'Evolution of the Landlord-Tenant Relationship in Lower Burma: 1880-1910'
*YAMASHITA, Shoichi, TAKEUCHI, Johzen, SATOW, Yukio, and TAKEHANA, Seiji, 'Mutual Images Between Thai and Japanese Students: A Preliminary Report'
*TACHIBANA, Seiitsu, 'A Modern Anachronism: The Anatomy of President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative'
KODERA, Sayoko, 'Miscellaneous Considerations on the Okinawa War of April-June,1945'
MORI, Yuji, 'Patterns of Simultaneous Reforms in Education and in Administration-Public Finance: Crisis Management in Modern Japan'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'PRINSE: A Simple Retrieval System for Peace Research Documents on Personal Computers'

Vol.7 (1984)
KURINO. Ohtori, 'A Study on the Peace Principles of the Constitution of Japan'
UENO, Hirohisa, 'The Political Awareness of Japanese Youth'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'The Locus Dimension of Peace Images--Case Study of Japanese Fiction'.
HOOK, Glenn. D, 'The Nuclearization of Language: Nuclear Allergy as Political Metaphor'
NAGAI, Jiro, 'The Status Quo and Problems of Education for International Understanding'
SATOW, Yukio, 'Structures of Current International Conflict and "Deconstruction" of Peace-Conflict Theory(I)--A Third World Perspective'
KOMATSU, Izuru, 'Problems of Rural Society under the Policy of Modernization of Agriculture in China--On Developing Farmers' Household-based Management and the Agricultural Economic Association'
MORI, Yuji, 'Social Development and Agricultural Complex--Evolutional and Ecological Approach(3): Conditions of Agricultural Development'
TAKEHANA, Seiji, 'The Alternative of a Filipino Nationalist: The Case of Renato Constantino'

Vol.6 (1983)
IWAMURA, Noboru, 'International Human Resource Institute for World Peace Development'
SATOW, Yukio, 'Center-Peripheral Relation Structures of the United Nations System'
JO, Tadaakira, 'On Confidence-Building Measures in International Relations--With Special Reference to the "Report of the Secretary-General"'
HOOK, Glenn D., 'Militarization as Maldevelopment'
MORI, Yuji, 'Social Development and Agricultural Complex--Evolutional and Ecological Approach (2): Agriculture and Population'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Sex Differences in Peace Images'
*SHIBATA, Shingo, 'A New International Order for the Nuclear Age'

Vol.5 (1982)
YAMADA, Hiroshi, 'The Strategic Debate and the Limited Nuclear Options--On American Nuclear Strategy since the late 1960's'
MORI, Toshikazu, 'An Examination of the Draft of the Comprehensive Programme for Disarmament (CPD) Adopted by the Committee on Disarmament (CD)'
JO, Tadaakira, 'A Reexamination of the Conception of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in Contemporary International Disarmament Law'
KODERA, Sayoko, 'International Criminal Law and the Principle of Legality (or the Principle of " NullaPoena Sine Lege, NullaPoena Sine Crimine, NullumCrimen Sine PoenalLegali")'
ICHIKAWA, Taiichi, 'The Social Background and Recruitment of Members Elected to the Lower House for Hiroshima Prefecture 1890-1945'
MORI, Yuji, 'Social Development and Agricultural Complex--Evolutional and Ecological Approach (1)'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Degree of Similarity in the Vocabulary between Verbal Data'
NAGAI, Hideaki, 'Structure of Peace Attitudes of Japanese Scientists (II)'
UBUKI, Satoru, 'The Opening of the Nationwide Movement against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs in Japan--On the Signature Campaign against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs in 1954'
*SHIBATA, Shingo, 'The Philosophy of History in the Nuclear Age--Implications of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for World History and Culture'
*TACHIBANA, Seiitsu, 'A Sacred Trust: The Formation of U.S. Public Policy on Atomic Energy, 1945-1946'
KURINO, Ohtori, 'On Peace Research'

Vol.4 (1981)
KODERA, Sayoko, 'A Study on the Deposition of Arrears of Wages Due to Korean Labourers Commandeered by Japan during the World War Two'
NAGAI, Hideaki, 'Structure of the Peace Attitudes of Japanese Scientists'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Measurement of Co-occurrence Relationship Between Linguistic Items--As a Tool for Analyses of Natural Language Data'.
<Book Review> MORI, Yuji: Two Books on Nuclear Disasters
*SHOHNO, Naomi, 'A-Bomb Related Research Activities and Antinuclear Movements of Japanese Scientists'
SHIBATA, Shingo, 'Reexamen Du SocialismeContemporain' (in French)

Vol.3 (1980)
HATSUSE, Ryuhei, 'Toward Models of Japan's Modernization'
MORI, Toshikazu and MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'Research Areas of International Development--A Study Based on Development Literature'
*SEKI, Hiroharu, 'DISCUSSION PROPOSAL 1980: A Joint Study Meeting of the United Nations University(UNU) and the Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (IPSHU) on Peace and Development--Modernization and Militarization: A Summary of Reports and Discussions as Starting Materials for Future Plans'
*KODERA, Sayoko and KIMOTO, Kimiko, 'A Research Note on the Attitudes of Non-Japanese Women Towards the Problems of Peace, War and Nuclear Weapons'
*SHIBATA, Shingo (ed.) 'International Discussion: For Human Survival'

Vol.2 (1978)
KODERA, Sayoko, 'Legal Effects Brought about by the Ratification of the International Covenants on Human Rights'
MORI. Yuji, 'Restructuring a Framework for Assessment of Science and Technology as a Driving Force for Social Development: A Bio-Sociological Approach'
MATSUO, Masatsugu, 'On the Development of a Program Package for Lexical Analyses of a Text: Outline and Logic'
<REVIEW> YANAGA, Manzaburo: Force without War--U.S. Armed Forces as a Political Instrument, by Barry M. Blechman and Stephen S Kaplan,
*NAGAI, Hideaki, MATSUO, Masatsugu, KITANISHI, Makoto, and SHOHNO, Naomi, 'Characteristics of the Japanese People's Attitude towards Nuclear Problems'
*SHIBATA, Shingo, 'For Human Survival--The Tasks of Marxism to Prevent Nuclear Extinction'
*SHIBATA, Shingo, 'The Role of Religion in the Prevention of Nuclear Extermination --The Possibility of the Total Annihilation of Human Kind and the Implications for Religion'

Vol.1 (1977)
MATSUO, Masatsugu, MORI, Yuji and ABE, Koichiro, 'The Nature and Characteristics of Peace Research: With Special Reference to Recent Studies on the Military Problems and the Methods of Peace Research
NAGAI, Hideaki, 'The Structure of the Attitudes of the Japanese People towards Nuclear Problems'
SAKASHITA, Noboru, 'Environmental Problems of the World'
ONO, Osamu, 'Bertrand Russell and the First Years of the Nuclear Age'
HATSUSE, Ryuhei, ' TaruiTokichi and Asianism'
IOKIBE, Makoto, 'The Search for a New International Order in Postwar East Asia: Roosevelt's Concept of China as a Great Power'
YABUNO, Yuzo, 'Towards a Structural Functionalism in the International System'
*OHNISHI, Akira, 'A Global Economic Model for New International Order'
*Appendix: Definitions of Peace


*Free on request. Please contact us. However, some are out of stock.
*All thesis can see freely from below website.
 Hiroshima University Institutional Repository “IPSHU 研究報告シリーズ" (No. 1~No. 55)
 Hiroshima University Institutional Repository “CPHU 研究報告シリーズ (No, 56~)
 No.57 Editor: The Center for Peace, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editors: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Asami OGURA): International symposium 2018 hosted by the Center for Peace, Hiroshima University ""Peace" from the viewpoint of "Hiroshima and the world" : the past, the present, and the future”New!
 No.56 KAWANO, Noriyuki, Interview Transcripts with Former Residents of Pripyat in Uklaine (Second Report)
 No.55 Masayoshi YAMAMOTO (Corresponding author), Kenta KAWAI, Jumpei TOMITA. Kenta MINO, Aya SAKAGUCHI, Yoshihito OHTSUKA, Tetsuji IMANAKA, Satoru ENDO, Noriyuki KAWANO, Masaharu HOSHI, Kazbek APSALIKOV, Talgat MULDAGALIYEV, Boris GUSEV
"Environmental radioactive contamination in settlements around the former Soviet Union's Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: Sarzhal, Karaul and Kainar settlements, and some settlements located south of the Pavlodar Region”
 No.54 Editor: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University(Responsibility editor: Asami OGURA): 1st International symposium 2016 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University “Challenges for Peacebuilding in Asia”
No.53 Editor: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editor: Asami OGURA): 2nd International symposium 2015 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University "New Frontier for the Global Governance and Multinationalism”
No.52 Editor: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editor: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU): 1st International symposium 2015 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University "Efforts for global peace and potential of the civil society- the review of international pursuits towards the ultimate abolition of nuclear weapons in the last 70 years and the path to the future”
No.51 Editor: Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editors: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Asami OGURA): The 2014 International symposium Co-hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University and University of Niigata Prefecture     ‟Strengthening International Organizations in a World of Turmoil, -The Role of Hiroshima-”
No.50 SHIOZAKI, Youichi and FUCHINOUE, Hideki, Local Residents and PTA Engagement in the Discussion of Relocation of Usuki Elementary School as a Tsunami Countermeasure
No.49 YAMASHITA, Akihiro, Risks Associated with the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles of Military Purposes
No.48 KAWANO, Noriyuki and IMANAKA, Tetsuji (eds.), Interview with an Early Entrant into the City of Hiroshima after the Atomic Bombing
No.47 SHINODA, Hideaki and FUCHINOUE, Hideki, Japanese Modern State Building as Peacebuilding
No.46 KAWANO, Noriyuki, IMANAKA, Tetsuji and TAKEUCHI, Takaaki (eds.), Interview Transcripts with Former Residents of Pripyat in Ukraine
No.45 UESUGI Yuji and HASEGAWA Susumu (eds.), Peacebuilding and Security Sector Reform (SSR): from viewpoints of development and security
No.44 KAWANO, Noriyuki (ed.), A Directory of the Takeshi Ohkita Collection of Documents Related to Atomic Bomb Damages
No.43 MATSUO, Masatsugu and TANI, Seiji (eds.), A Directory of the Kunihiko Hara Collection of Documents Related to “Yukari no Tomo”
No.42 Institute for Peace Science (ed.), Cultivating Peace Studies (Special Issue in Commemoration of the Retirement of Professor Masatsugu Matsuo)
No.41 MATSUO, Masatsugu (ed.), Nuclear Damages Reexamined
No.40 SHINODA, Hideaki (eds.), Post-war Reconstruction of Hiroshima: From the Perspective of Contemporary Peacebuilding
No.39 MATSUO, Masatsugu (ed.), A Directory of Hand-written Manuscripts of Sankichi Toge with Their Digital Images
No.38 UESUGI, Yuji (ed.),  Challenges of Civil-Military Relationship in International Peace Operations
No.37 YAMANE, Tatsuo Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration of Ex-combatants in International Peace Operations: Towards Linking Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding
No.36 KAWANO, Noriyuki , An Investigation into Human Suffering Effects of Nuclear Tests at Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan: On the Basis of Questionnaire Surveys
No.35 OGASHIWA, Yoko  (ed.), Prevention and Resolution of the Conflicts over Resource Management
No.34 Hiroshima University Archives (ed.)   A Directory of  the Takashi Hiraoka Collection of Documents Related to Korean Atomic Bomb Survivors
No.33 SHIKONO, Tadao and HASHIMOTO, Kinpei , The Formation of Modern Economic Order and the Role of US Navy: The Historical Importance and Lessons of the “Pacific War” in World History.
No.32 MATSUO, Masatsugu and IKEDA, Masahiko (eds.), The Index of TOGE Sankichi Materials (2004)
No.31 Institute for Peace Science (ed.), Reexamination of the Issues of Human Security (2004)
No. 30 IKENO, Norio , HASHIMOTO, Yasuhiro , and WATANABE, Tatsuya , Development and Structure for Teaching about National Security in Social Studies in the United States (2003)
No. 29 SHINODA, Hideaki, The Use of Depleted Uranium in Armed Conflict (2002)
No. 28 YAMDA, Hiroshi, Issues and Problems of the Missile Defense System (2002)
No. 27 Institute for Peace Science (ed.), Nuclear Issues and Japan in the Post-Cold War World (2001)
No. 26 YAMDA, Hiroshi, Nuclear Weapons in the Post-Cold War World and Hiroshima with Special Reference to the View of ‘New Nuclear Abolitionists’ (1999)
No. 25 HAYASHI, Tatsuo, Maruyama Masao and Hiroshima: A Political Thinker's Experience of the Atomic Bomb (1998)
No.24 UBUKI, Satoru, A List of Published Memoirs of the A-Bomb (1996)
No.23 SAGARA, Kayo, et. al., A Report from the Counsellors' Group for Hibakusha (1995)
No.22 STUDY GROUP ON ASIA-PACIFIC MICROSTATES (ed.), Conditions for Denuclearization and Conviviality in the Pacific (1993)
No.21 MATSUO, Masatsugu and TAMURA, Keiko, PRINSE: Simple Document Retrieval System for the Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (1992)
No.20 STUDY GROUP ON ASIA-PACIFIC MICROSTATES (ed.), A Field Note on Denuclearization and Autonomy in the South Pacific (1991)
No.19 YAMADA, Hiroshi, A Critical Analysis on U.S. Marine Strategy: A Problem in Contemporary Disarmament (1991)
No.18 STUDY GROUP ON LOCAL LEADERS, HIROSHIMA, Local Economic Leaders in Hiroshima Prefecture (1990)
No.17 HIRAKAWA, Hitoshi and PARK, I., Overview of Research on Capitalistic Developments of Asian NIES (1990)
No.16 YAMADA, Hiroshi, A General Trend of Recent American Non-nuclear Conventional Strategy: Focusing on "Horizontal Escalation" Strategy and NATO Strategy (1988)
No.15 KOBAYASHI, Fumio and KOMATSU, Izuru, Chinese Youths' Consciousness and Images on Nuclear, Peace and Hiroshima: A Preliminary Survey in Shanghai, Chungking, Beijing and Hiroshima (1987)
No.14 YAMADA, Hiroshi, The Theories of Limited Nuclear War and the Questions of SDI: Their Historical Pedigrees and Theoretical Structures (1986)
No.13 INSTITUTE FOR PEACE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA. (ed.), Islamic Concepts of World Order: The Report of the 9th Symposium (1985)
No.12 SATOW, Yukio and SATOW, Motohiko, Global Chain Structures of Militarization in the Third World (1985)
No.11 CHOI, Young, Cyclical Phenomena in International Politics and the Logic of Easing the Tension between North and South Koreas (1985)
No.10 INSTITUTE FOR PEACE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA (ed.), Peace and Development in Southeast Asia (1984)
No.9 INSTITUTE FOR PEACE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA (ed.), Modernization of China and Cultural Exchanges Between China and Japan (1984)
No.8 MATSUO, Masatsugu, An Analysis of the Meanings of "Heiwa (Peace)" Based on an Association Experiment (1983)
No.7 KAWABE, Nobuo, Overseas Activities of Japanese General Trading Companies (1983)
No.6 MATSUO, Masatsugu, A Text-Vocabulary Processing Program, LEX (1982)
No.5 SHIBATA, Shingo and KIMOTO, Kimiko, A Sociological Study on the Anti-Nuclear Movement (1981)
No.4 KURINO, Ohtori, Aspects of the Refugee Problems in Indochina (1981)
No.3 NAGAI, Jiro, On International Education (1981)
No.2 YAMADA, Hiroshi, Trends of US Military Strategies after the Nixon Doctrine and the Japan-US Defence Cooperation (1980)
No.1 HATSUSE, Ryuhei and MATSUO, Masatsugu, Structure of the Japanese Nuclear Attitudes: A-Bomb Experience and Party Affiliation (1979)


*Free on request. Please contact us. Some are, however, out of stock.
*All thesis can see freely from below website.
 Hiroshima University Institutional Repository “IPSHU Research Report Series(No. 1~34)
 Hiroshima University Institutional Repository “CPHU Research Report Series (No. 35~)

 No.35 TAKEMINE, Seiichiro and Noriyuki KAWANO (eds.),
Investigation on Compensation Measures for the Nuclear Victims/Survivors around the World: in Light of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2022) New!
 No.34 Institute for Peace Science (Editor-in-chief: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU) (ed.),
2nd International symposium 2017 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University “Reconstruction and Peacebuilding” (2018)
 No.33 Institute for Peace Science (Responsibility editor: Luli van der DOES) (ed.),
1st International symposium 2017 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University “The Atomic Bombs and War Memories: Heritage of Peace in an Uncertain Age” (2018)
 No.32 Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University (Responsibility editors: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU, Asami OGURA) (ed.),
2nd International symposium 2016 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University “Migration and Refugee: How the International Society Tackles the Human Rights Crisis” (2017)
 No.31 Institute for Peace Science (Responsibility edit: Shinsuke TOMOTSUGU) (ed.),
1st International symposium 2016 hosted by Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University “Challenges for Peacebuilding in Asia” (2017)
No.30 MELEGODA, Nayani and Hideaki SHINODA (eds.), Peacebuilding Issues in Contemporary Sri Lanka (2013)
No.29 OSEI-HWEDIE, Bertha Z., Treasa Galvin and Hideaki Shinoda (eds.),  Indigenous Methods of Peacebuilding in Africa (2012)
No.28 IMANAKA, Tetsuji, Noriuki Kawano and Masaharu Hoshi (eds.),  Proceeding of the 17th Hiroshima International Symposium-Lessons from unhappy events in the history of nuclear power development- (2012)
No.27  SHINODA, Hideaki (ed.),  Peacebuilding and the Ownership of Local Society in Sierra Leone (2012)
No.26  SHINODA, Hideaki (ed.),  Peacebuilding and the Ownership of Local Society in Sri Lanka (2012)
No.25 SHINODA, Hideaki (ed.),  Peacebuilding in South Asia: Challenges and Opportunities (2011)
No.24 UESUGI, Yuji (ed.), Toward Bringing Stability in Afghanistan : A Review of the Peacebuilding Strategy (2009)
No.23 MATSUO, Masatsugu, Vladimir ROUVINSKI and Rafael SILVA VEGA (eds.),  Peace and Human Security (2009)
No.22 SHINODA, Hideaki (ed.),  Post-war Reconstruction of Hiroshima: From the Perspective of Contemporary Peacebuilding (2008)
No.21 ROUVINSKI, Vladimir, The Policy of Ethnic Enclosure: A Study of the Role of Language in Ethnic Rivalries in the Caucasus (2008)
No.20 Vladimir M. Zelichenk et al (eds.),  Peace Studies and Peace Discourse in Education (joint publication with Tomsk State Pedagogical University) (2007)
No.19 Hideaki SHINODA and Ho-Won Jeong (eds.),  Conflict and Human Security: A Search for New Approaches of Peace-building (2004)
No.18 MATSUO, Masatsugu, Language Inequality and Conflict: A Research Bibliography, 1970 - (1995)
No.17 SATOW, Yukio (ed.), The South Pacific in the Changing World Era (1994)
No.16 SATOW, Yukio (ed.), Prospects for Demilitarization and Autonomy in the South Pacific(1991)
No.15 NISHIZAWA, Nobuyoshi, Economic Development of Burma in Colonial Times (1991)
No.14 SATOW, Yukio et al, Japan Faces Internationalisation: Economic and Socio-Political Perspectives for the 1990s (1988)
No.13 SEKI, Hiroharu, Japan in the Global Transformation Process (1984)
No.12 MBAYA, Etienne-Richard, Human Rights in the Development of World Wide Economic Relations (1984)
No.11 YORIZANE, Masahiro, Technology Transfer and Foreign Qualified Students in Chemical Industry of Japan (1982)
No.10 WELFIELD, John, Great Power Politics and the Future the Asian Pacific Region (1982)
No. 9 HIROSE, Katsuya, The "Dead Angle" of Analyzing Japanese Militarization (1982)
No. 8 MATSUSHITA, Keiichi, The Urban Type of Society and International War (1982)
No. 7 Institute for Peace Science (ed), Summary of the Discussions: Symposium on Disarmament (1981)
No. 6 SEKI, Hiroharu, The Concept of Peace Research in Japan and Its Political Context(1980)
No. 5 YAMASHITA, Shoichi, Socio-Economic Development as an Objective of Peace: Quantitative Implications (1980)
No. 4 PAIGE, Glenn D., On the Possibility of Nonviolent Political Science (1979)
No. 3 SEKI, Hiroharu, Global Militarization and Its Remedy (1979)
No. 2 TACHIBANA, Seiitsu, At the Mercy of Nuclear Weapons: Origin of US Nuclear Policy 1939-1945 (1979)
No. 1 ISHII, Osamu, United States Containment Policy 1947-1950 -Research Note- (1979)



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